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I'm kicking off a new series dedicated to learning how to juice up your true metallic metals as much as possible. For me, TMM is always a shortcut, so I'm looking forward to seeing what I can accomplish with it when I put in maximum effort! 


What's the Best Undercoat for Metal?

I'm a fan of testing claims. I grew up on Mythbusters and I guess it kind of rubs off on me. I hear a lot of untested claims that float around the mini painting community, and in this video I test out two of them as they relate to TMM, or true metallic metals. I am also kicking off a new series all about the journey of learning about how to get the most out of your TMM. Should be a fun series, stick around! PATREON OR DIE: http://patreon.miniac.co MERCH OR DIE: http://miniac.co GRAM OR DIE: http://instagram.miniac.co AMAZON OR DIE: http://amzn.to/2vb1j6X FACEBOOK OR DIE: http://facebook.miniac.co END CREDITS SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xdgooP3fBc INTRO SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P1qWrormko You can find new videos on my channel every Friday!



boy I sure do love juicing my metals