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Sorry about not throwing this up on Friday! I got back from CA and then went to bed, and then did the 24hr stream. This video is all about my favorite miniature-related youtubers! 


5 Miniature Youtubers Better Than Me

This video contains my favorite miniature related youtubers. I go over why I like their content, as well as highlight their process. What are some of your favorite youtubers? Comment below! PATREON OR DIE: https://www.patreon.com/miniac SUBSCRIBE OR DIE: http://bit.ly/2mvUTdn BUY OR DIE: http://rdbl.co/2mb8QtJ LIVESTREAM OR DIE: https://www.twitch.tv/miniac GRAM OR DIE: http://bit.ly/2np7vAS AMAZON OR DIE: http://amzn.to/2vb1j6X FACEBOOK OR DIE: https://www.facebook.com/scottheminiaturemaniac/ COMMUNITY HIGHLIGHT: http://bit.ly/2mcGose END CREDITS SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xdgooP3fBc INTRO SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P1qWrormko You can find new uploads on my channel every other Friday!



I have a hard time watching most miniature painters for one weird reason. You guys lick your brushes. That creeps me the fuck out for some reason, so I can only watch painters who edit it out, or do it out of view (like you), or don't do it at all. Needless to say, I need more painters to follow :D .