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Greetings everyone and welcome back to more news and teasers for next months update! In our introduction for this upcoming update, I had mentioned that this would be a Misc Update and would drive towards 60/40 with it being a LOT of Corruption Content. Today, I'm here to dicusse a new character joining the fray, Matilda.

Dressed in her finest jewelry, piercing you with bright blue eyes, and one of the upmost classy ladies you will ever meet. Matilda's storyline is one I've had a lot of fun writing because her Title as Gold Digger; it's a lie.

Her storyline will follow the many rumors that surround her in Perion. Using Ayan and Sophia as a backdrop, the busty Matilda will easily become a fan favorite mainly because what she says and what she does is vastly different. She has issues, trauma, but still stands on her own feet. She is capable and her past has made her strong. Lying is not the way forward so the Hero will easily have a very interesting time trying to romance this one.

Alongside this, you will be getting a Lovers & Corruption Route Choice for her once you've drifted very far into her storyline. Regardless if you do not care fo Corruption Content, Matilda will at the very least make this an easy download!

There are a few more pieces of content that should benefit everyone. Keep an eye out on future Sunday's for more news on that! Until now, this is the end of the post. Thanks to every supporter for helping us in 2024. We have another huge year ahead of us!


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