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Greetings everyone and welcome back to yet another sneak peek of The Beach Event coming at the end of October!

Now as mentioned before, The Beach Event is all about continuing and exploring the many Lovers and Corruption Routes that finally further their story. On the checklist is to finally address Leafa's Corruption Route and boy are you all in for a treat!

Her Lovers Route was continued awhile back which means that her Corruption Route gets the spotlight it deserves.

Where we last left Leafa, the Hero had been feeding her his cum through food, drink, and directly into her awaiting mouth. When Millie was safe and sound, Asuna pushed the blonde woman into a bit of naughty fun. The conclusion is that she understood her needs and what it meant to care for someone else's.

Leafa's Corruption Route will finally make her take the leap and finally open her mind and her legs towards a sexual relationship with the Hero. Best of all, Asuna will obtain a new

plaything and this all directly moves into The Beach Event. Leafa will finally know what needs mean and how difficult they are to hold at bay. Without spoiling anything, expect the Hero and Asuna to get a new toy all the while, Leafa understands what it means to be Submissive. Those that enjoy lesbian storylines, expect some naughty fun as Asuna gets to express her more dominant tendencies as A Slut Knight.

All of this and more coming in just a few short weeks! The Beach Event is filled with naughty fun so we at BGE are excited to show it to you all! 


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