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Hello, everyone and welcome to your Blog post for August and your only Blog Post for this update. This one is a doozy so this one will be a monstrous one. Let's start!

The big focus of this update is Headmistress Ivana, teacher at The Fairy Academy. You will have access to both of her Routes and plenty of sexual encounters with the outstanding GILF. 

As promised from last month due to the hardware troubles, I have been sitting down to add more bonus content for this update and plenty of QOL on top of it. Firstly, lets discuss a new storyline I've added to The Spirit's Storyline

These girls are The Brided of The Spirit. The Mage, The Speaker, and The Curator are all destined to protect, speak for, and pass down the knowledge of The Spirit to all the elves, fae, etc of the forests. These new characters are actually introduced to add a very specific Route for The Spirit. Her Corruption Route.

Alongside The Brided, Klas is also introduced and is the oldest living elf within Elluel. He's seen the rise and fall of many and considers himself a very keen man. Because of this, he's seen every Spirit that rose and fell. One in particular is burned in his memory and The Hero gets blamed for it. You the player will get the option to simply continue on as you have been with The Spirit, as a Friend With Benefits OR by following the questline, you will suddenly get access to The Spirit's Corruption Route. No more spoilers but it'll be a doozy and one I hope you Corruption Players truly enjoy!

BUT we're not done in Elluel. Up next, I introduce another new character and one with amazing powers. Cutie, The Listener of the Winds.

Danika will very important in meeting the young girl named Cutie but as you can see from the Screenshot, Cutie has the power to tell you the identities of every Friend and Traitor in the game. Through a large sum donation to The Church of the Winds, you will finally have a better time in choosing who you recruit into The Ardyn. She will be a valuable asset and one I hope you use going forward!

Lastly, this update is also launching with a very large scale change of the game; mainly The Early Game. 

New Players will now have an entirely different experience than before. As you can tell from the Screenshot, new players are actually starting the game with 3 Skills some of you may remember. But what about the missing Knight's Channel? From now on, you will now only gain The Knight's Channel after claiming ownership of The Domain. We are removing The Darkness element from the early game in favor of a more easier approach towards Strength Scaling. Once you DO unlock The Knight's Channel, your new skills vanish and you will have better access to Darkness Potions, Darkness Damage, and Cane and Cannon Skills.

Most of the early game is now a bit more balanced since Darkness Damage is no longer available but the 3 Basic Skills you get will assist greatly. 

There is actually another Gameplay element we're launching but this one is a surprise and one I hope actually spices up Gameplay by a LOT. Do look forward to the changelog when it drops!

That'll wrap up the Blog Post! This update is clocking in at around 2 hours of content so it's a pretty large one we're packing in with side content, gameplay changes, and QOL. We can't wait for Testers to get it The 23rd and Patrons the 25th!

Thank you for being patient but your wait is now rewarded! See you all very soon!


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