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The Weekly Blog Post is back for another round of news and general guidance that will detail what's to come in King's Fall.

As stated the previous week, this next update will be focused on Sugar Babies meaning Oz AND Irena will be recieving updates for their Girlfriend or Slut Routes . Oz will be getting content for her House of Moms Route while Irena will be expanding on her Girlfriend Route. This week, we'll be talking about Irena!

Those that need a refresher, Irena is the Emerald Fist of Lith Harbor. A spunky young woman who adores martial arts and loves to fight for fun and in tournaments. After beating her for the first time in her life, she became the adoring Sugar Baby of The Hero. The two would eventually fall in love and drop the prior relationship for something a bit more official. This all came to a headway when Irena was forced to make a choice.

In the Girlfriend Route, Irena challenged a studio padawan of Kai Cobra to a fight which will lead to one dropping the sport entirely. The loser would never fight in tournaments, for fame, or for status ever again. The Girlfriend Route begins right after this moment.

The update begins with the Hero and Irena hard at work on her training, something of which she's entirely stressed about. This stress begins to inspire the Hero to speak with friends from with The Harbor but outside as well. The goal is to get Irena geared up for her fight... But also geared up to give up something else.

Many faces will come up but overall the Route is focused on Irena combating her nerves and finally giving herself to the Hero in spirit and mind. With a brand new Sex Menu and plenty of highs and lows, her Route will be a rollercoaster ride of emotion, fun times, and inspiration.

We hope Irena and Oz's vastly different Routes play well with each other but if not, there will be some side content coming in that should draw yours eyes elsewhere! A lot of fun times are coming so look forward to this update in Late May!

That'll wrap up the Blog Post. Thanks to everyone who waited patiently while I was in Japan. Hopefully this makes up for the silence as another very large update drops your way. Thank you again and take care everyone!


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