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Another week, another dollar, another round of news for everyone!

Last week has seen us basically begin wrapping up this update and now comes finishing out last minute changes and making sure all the glue holds.

This update was started as a spotlight on Jane The Bunnyigirl but it's coming to be MUCH bigger than Jane (Oops lol). But the Bunnygirl will have her share of content and her story continues on! Last month we discussed her Lovers Route but we've saved the more interesting parts for her Corruption Route. Let's jump in!

Where we last left Jane and Jean, the Hero had fully forced her into admitting he was the better man. Jean's fuck ups had spirled and Jane was ever so close to choosing Hero and being done with it. Last minute, Jean came through and wanted to do and be better. The relationship was saved... Because the Dark Hero allowed it.

The Corruption Route continues on this shaky ship that Jean and Jane were left on. The Hero is very much playing a large game of chess, he is actively Corrupting Jane and manipulating her against what she feels in her heart. For those that adore the cheating girlfriend storylines, this Route will have plenty in the form of Jean and Jane POV's.

The Beads of Darkness he actively uses will be saved for straight up Dominance. The Hero will have many words with Jane and Jean respectively and he is enforcing the path where HE ends up with Jane. Jane will fall while Jean flouders. The dynamic will work veyr nicely as this route will be brimming with Corrupting based scenes and numerous scenes of Jean not wanting to let her body win... But failing to do anything to truly fight her needs.

But that's not to say the Dark Hero won't be actively betting against Jane either. He wants her to succumb entirely. He wishes for HER to admit her infidedlity, her needs, and all the while, starving her of affection. When Jean cannot measure up, and Jane is too drunk on lust to continue alone... Expect a surprise visit to Home Base. Her Corruption will be glorious and I hope you all truly enjoy it!

That will wrap up this weeks Blog Update as we have one more left before this next update drop:

March 31st for Patrons!

The wait is nearly over but a massive update will once again grace your computers. Thank you to all the amazing Patrons this month. We have something truly perfect for you all at the end of the month.

Thank you all and take care!


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