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Hey there everyone and welsome back to the month of March!

Time continues to tick despite me needing much more of it but at the end of the day, we at BGE work hard for you all!

This week's Blog Post will continue where we left from the previous week, the introduction of Orihime from the anime series, Bleach.

The Island of Rien is a brand location but with it came the idea of HOW to get older and newer players to venture into it? The idea was contributed by someone in the community and in no time at all the planning was done and the artwork was purchased. Orihime is arriving in the Maple World and somethings never change with her.

Orihime is still the bright, clumsy, iron clad stomached, and overall cornerstone of positivity she always is. But to counter that, we actually have a companion for her. One that is going to explore a dynamic King's Fall doesn't have yet AND something the Bleach series has yet to really venture into.

Nel Tu will also be along for the ride and will offer a VERY blunt and forward personality to counter Orihime's. More so, the young Nel will truly test Orihime in the new world she's fored to live in. Their dynamic will evolve until it becomes on par with the Hero's relationship with his Daughter, Millie. When the four eventually meet up, expect musings between Hero and Orihime. 

But... Any fan of Bleach knows that Nel has another aspect to herself. One that hasn't been done in King's Fall yet and will bring a 3rd voice into the mix. Where as Nel Tu is the antithesis of Orihime, Nelliel will be the voice of reason and the voice that guides Orihime thtough her worries as a young woman.

Orihime, Nel Tu, and Nelliel will be treated as Three seperate characters meaning the Hero will have dynamics that are unique to all three. 

Orihime, he is a trusting friend and one that only wishes for her to succeed despite a fear she holds due to her Path.

Nel Tu, he is a father figure just like Millie. He spoils her and guides her to trust in Orihime and the mother type role that was suddenly thrusted upon her.

Nelliel, he is a comrade and sometimes a voice of reason. Her trust in him begins off weak but in time... She might just be the first to fall for his charm.

Expect a very expansive story for all three that reacts to the Hero's own journey throughout most of the game. There are MANY twists and turns so this is only the beginning! Once we release the update in Late March, everyone will have plenty to enjoy within Rien. Early players for the extra help leading into Henesys and older players so they can truly witness more characters join the cast. A bit for everyone!

That will wrap up this week's Blog Post. See us next week as we venture back into Jane and hopefully finally discuss her Corruption Route. The update is coming along great and our Patrons make it so. Thank you all for supporting us!

Thank you and see you all next week!


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