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Welcome and thank you all for the patience as we launch the first update in 2023!

So much work, feedback, and ideas went into this one and we made it the largest update by far in terms of sex scenes. 28 Sex Scenes and counting were added and it's all waiting for you to find it!

The community has pushed us to do our very best so this is a large love letter to you all. Maya and Camila are not content complete just yet and there will be a little more left, but we hope you all enjoy their content and how YOUR choices shaped them. 

To those that have downloaded the Patron Update, we have the following Bonus Content.

-Cecily's Maid Sex Artwork was remastered,

-Erwin and Spinel's character art was remastered

-Orchid's Standing Doggy was remastered

-Valen was given Charcater Art

-Camila and Utah Sex (Corruption Route) was remastered

-Lily was given 4 sex scenes if on Lovers Route. Check out her new Quest Tracker to see how to find them

-An extra event series involving Lily and Anna was added. Once Anna discovers the secret (Lily Lovers Route and after The Clash) speak to Lily at Home Base

And lastly. It is my upmost pleasure to announce we have done a crossover event with the Developer RareAlex and his game Secret Care Cafe


His character Cynthia has been added as a World Event in Amherst. Simply head there and click on the World Events sign. 

This is only the start for BGE in 2023! We can't wait to show you what comes next! 



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