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Hey there everyone and welcome back a new round of Weekly Blog Posts that are here to hype, inform, and keep everyone up to date on planning for the next update.

This last update will be the last update for 2022 since the holidays are upon us and the chaos it usually brings. BUT, the work has progressed since the minute Irena's update released last month.

2023 is going to start with a bang because the two characters our community has been asking us about the last year, are finally getting their content again!

Camila and Maya are going to be caught up all the way to Sleepywood coming this January!

The next update is going to be focused entirely on Maya and Camile and will bring with it 10 Sex Scenes (4 for Maya, 4 for Camila, and 2 shared scenes).

This means that both sisters are going to be getting 2 Route Updates each. We're proabably looking at 60+ quests once they are both caught up but that number is a guesstimate. All in all, both will be intertwined in the story and your choices will FINALLY bare fruit.

There are some fun side content coming as well but for right now, I'll only be teasing the Henesys Sisters. 

I won't be talking anymore for this Blog Post so I can focus on each of the coming Routes in future Blog Posts. BUT I will leave you all with a final teaser for Maya's Lovers Route.

Expect Home Base to react VERY differently to each sister depending on the choices you've made. Both sisters are going to be given a lot of love so the wait for their return is made worth it. This update will be HIGHLY memorable!

With that, I'll end this Blog Post before I start spoiling stuff. To our new Patrons, we have a bunch of artwork teasers coming your way soon. To out Community, we thank you for a year of amazing support and ideas. January will be another great year for us and it's thanks to you all!

Happy Holidays! Stay safe, warm, and enjoy yourselves!


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