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Hey there everyone and welcome back to another round of Weekly Blog Posts!

The last update has finally settled and everything was a great success! To follow up on that, this next update is going to follow the same schedule and will be releasing on

Friday, November 25th

To basically jump in on this Blog Post, I would like to formally introduce you to the 2nd Sugar Baby. Irena, The Emerald Fist!

Coming at the end of November is a brand new Sugar Baby, a brand new Sex Menu, and the first 25 Levels of Affection leading to her first Choice. 

Irena, very much like Oz, has her own unique unlock process and order of things. The work for her introduction is something I've been wanting to do but have gotten distracted. In the end, a girl named The Emerald Fist is going to live by that title very strongly. In fact... The Hero will have to find a way to defeat her... Or die in the process.

Avoiding spoilers, you will have to work for Irena but the reward is a wickedly charming and excitable tomboy.

Irena is a martial arts expert and Warrior nerd. EVERYTHING comes down to fighting and her being a Sugar Baby will actually play into this. The Hero will have to do more that laying on the charm before Irena is open more to him. Even better, the money he gives he is very much going to a cause close to her heart. Like Oz, Irena has a dream and the Hero will be the man to assist her to obtain it.

Like her personality, her Sex Menu is going to be very different to Oz as well. Oz was very afront with her needs, wants, and doing what was needed to pay for her wants. Irena... Isn't as forward, is much more relunctnant, and not the girly girl that Oz was. But once you get to the end of Irena's storyline, the fiery fighter will finally show the loving woman beneath. 

All of this and a bit more is coming soon! There will be a LARGE amount of QOL coming in as well as Items galore. Patrons and fans alike will have many more options than before. This update should rival last months in size very easily but there will be a few surprises to go along with it.

I will end the Post here so as not to spoil more about this update or Irena. To all the Patrons that just joined us, we can't wait to show you this update! Your support continues to inspire so thank you!

To our fans, thank you for playing and discussing the game openly. Your kind words also motivate us greatly. 

See you all next week. Take care, stay safe, and thanks again!


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