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Hey everyone and welcome back to another Blog Post as we wrap up most of October and finally move into the next update for King's Fall.

If you did not know, this next update drops in 5 days! October 28th for Patrons  and next Friday for Public.

It might seem like a smaller update but in reality it's coming up on about 1.5 hours of new content JUST for Oz!

But before I talk about that, this next update is updating Oz's Slute Route but those with established saves will need to begin a new playthrough to check on her content. This is to encourage multiple playthroughs mainly due to the size and scale the game has. I've always wanted players to play through the game twice so to further that hope, this update received SEVERE balancing.

From Maple Island all the way to Henesys, the entire early game has been adjusted with new rewards, more exp, more Meso, and of course, writing clean up. I've spent around 8 hours in total looking over hundreds of quests so I really hope you all can have a much easier time getting to later parts of the game. Even better, using Skips you will claim everything all at once!  With this new balancing, the game is now ready to debut another round of Oz content and for next month, a brand new Sugar Baby.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Oz's Slut Route is the main focus of this update so I hope to put another teaser for it.

The main focus of this update is around Oz and the trouble she attracts when her relationship with the Hero is brought forward. There is a large amount of focus on Oz's rebellious spirit and how her father and step-mother Violet react to it. Depending on your choices, you will get two new Routes and this will play into what comes next. Cecily's Arrival. 

Not only does the Slute Route have a larger emphasis on Rough Sex but it also brings into account, Cecily's attraction towards a charming MC. Expect some cunfusing times as your choices shape Violet into a doting mother... Or a doting mother... Who is now living with you. 

Plenty of good times but if this isn't your bang, Oz's Girlfriend Route is much further along and has a more Loving Approach. Your choices will always represent what YOU as a player want. You are given complete freedom in how Oz shapes up to be. Loving girlfriend? Or maybe... Devoted Sex Addict

All this and more is coming this Friday! The wait is nearly over so thank you all for supporting us this month and we can't wait to shower you in updates this month and November.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care!


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