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Hello everyone and welcome back to another week of news involving the next major King's Fall Update!

Last week we introduced a new character named Rixxa, The Goblin. Well i teased that she wasn't going to be the only non-human joining the fray. But what could that really mean? Well... I'm happy to introduce another Wanderer. Valerie, The Thief

Valerie is going to be a rather unique character because unlike a majority of other characters, she holds a very deep grudge towards the Hero almost as soon as they first meet. Valerie is a very high profile thief you meet in Amherst and her storyline will run up all the way towards Henesys. Like a Wanderer though, she won't be staying put in one place. 

In fact... Once you start her questline and piss her off (Spoiler free) she begins to rob you blind! Everytime you enter a town, she finds you and robs you for a bit of Meso. Very much like Renka, the more she robs, the more she Level Ups. Your reward? Well... It'll be a rather fun gameplay element were building as we speak but more on that later.

From Amherst all the way to Henesys, Valerie is going to be keeping an eye on the Hero and all the shiny coins in his wallet. Eventually it proves too much and he has to set a trap. This trap will be how their relationship evolves. Won't spoil too much but Valerie is as Tomboy as can be. Fowlmouthed, extremely forward, and incredibly dangerous if you upset her.

But I did say she was a Non-Human no? That... Would explain why she wears a Hood? What is she hiding in there? Human ears? No... Something a bit more... Appealing to those that love a certain breed. Cats? Fox? Some mystery indeed!

All in all, Valerie is going to have a very hilarious storyline when she does join the main cast. People as innocent and sweet as Mina or Asuna are about to have their mouths frozen in shock when Valerie speaks. Her and Rixxa will also get into shenanigans all the while their content is caught up near to Sleepywood as I can get it!

All of this and more is coming in the next update! Down the line I'll explain the new gameplay mechanic that Valerie unlocks as well. It will work best with the alreayd massive world we built. More so at a later date!

All in all, this update will be as varied as the last one. All our new Patrons and fans have truly come forward to make this one a winner! For all the Lovers and Corruption fans, we shall have a very deep update for you. Corruption fan especially will see quite a bit of content on top of what we're teasing too! Thanks to everyone, this is possible!

That will wrap up this Dev Blog. We can't wait to show you the next one so please keep checking back on Sunday's for any and all news involving King's Fall. Thank you all and stay safe and healthy!


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