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Hello everyone and welcome back to another week of new regarding Kerning Part 4!

The week has been filled with steady work and the update is finally crossing the final hurdle. A lot of polish has been added and now comes with finishing up sex scenes, adding things to The Quest Tracker, and also testing. 

First off, let me lead with the BIG event coming in this update. The Timeskip. If you read previous Blog Updates, you all remember that Kerning Part 4 will have a Timeskip of a month. In that time, the game will be gearing up for the grand finale of The Victoria Island Arc. Sleepywood will act as the final story chapter of Season 1 and with it, ANOTHER Timeskip. 

But, we're not here to talk about Sleeywood just yet. The Timeskip for Kerning Part 4 will be a sort of point of no return going forward. As you all know, the progression of time in King's Fall is important and acts as stopping points when the Hero can visit many of the side characters and relationships. Throughtout Victoria Island, you've met and started countless relationships in some capacity. The Timeskip is the final bastion and will detail your choices up to this point. 

Anna for example is goingt to lead into a date within The Timeskip. But she won't be the only one in Home Base with an event. While I complete every single NPC, 1 by 1, the growing list of Time Skip Quests will grow and grow. Your reward, a sneak peek into what comes right before Season 1 ends. 

The umbrella will cover more and more characters as we start Cleaning Up the rest of the game before Sleepywood. First is Home Base. Then Henesys. Then Ellinia, Maple Island, Perion, etc. Once the Timeskip covers everything, that's when Season 1 can be ended comfortably.

But it also exists in order to fast track certain characters that are incredibly stubborn. The Leafa's, the Camila's, the Renka's, all spend an entire month sorting out their feelings. What comes next, is a better reward that the player doesn't have to substantinally invest a major amount of time with.

Plenty more will come with it and we can't wait to show you how your choices matter! 

Now, I am am on track so far so Kerning Part 4 is going to drop July 29th for Patrons and August 5th for the Public. Just 2 more weeks and the update is nice and ready for you all!

Our Patrons really came through and allowed us to really create something of beauty. Expect a varied and heavy with content update soon enough!

Thank you all and we hope everyone is having a pleasant summer. Stay safe out there!


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