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Hello everyone and welcome to the 1st Blog Post for Kerning Part 4!

This next update is by far our most varied in terms of content, gameplay additions, and ideas. Through out the next 6 weeks, we will be detailing every single awesome thing we're adding on top of the Kerning Part 4 Epilogue as well as adding content to a large amount of Kerning NPC's!

Let's jump into it with the debut of a new system that we demoed in the previous update. 

Wandering Warriors

These were released in Kerning Part 3 and with it, you all saw the inclusion of Wandering Mid-Bosses that would invade and try to kill you depending on the map. To go EVEN FURTHER with this idea, we have added a brand new mechanic that is in the same vein as Sugar Babies. 

Introducing the first new Wandering Warrior, Renka! This character will appear right outside of Amherst and will spawn in when you kill a few enemies. After her first defeat you will find her in Southperry and this is where the beauty of Wandering Warriors appears! With every defear, Renka grows stronger. In fact, every time you beat her, she grows 1 Level. To add to this, Renka's storyline will follow the Hero's very closely. Just as The Hero finds his way towards Henesys, so will she! Everytime you defeat her a set amount of times, you will learn more about her backstory and also find out what drives this devour rivalry she has towards The Hero.

By the end of Renka's Storyline, she will be at the exact same spot as the Hero is... Right before Sleepywood! This mechanic works very similar to Sugar Babies but instead of funneling in Money/Meso, you funnell in finding and fighting them. It's a very eternal cat and mouse but one that is equally rewarding as you follow her around the entire game. 

Expect surprises, twists, loveable moments, and the occassional debachery as Renka sorts out her feelings not on for her goals... But for the Hero as well!

This is one of many great side activities you will get to explore and many more will arrive in the coming weeks! 

This is where this Blog Post will end but again, this is going to be a massive and varied update. Check in next week for further surprises!

Thanks to all our Patrons and Fans out there! We're not able to really grow out King's Fall with your support and guidance. Without you, we never would've gotten this far! 

Thanks again and see you all next week for another look at Kerning Part 4. Stay safe out there!


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