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Edit: If you are having issues with you not able to move the screen, download the updated exe in the attachments down below. You will also find a copy on our Discord if needed.

Hello everyone and welcome to the bonus King's Fall update!

This update will include what we call World Events which are nothing but sex scenes that involve the unknown people of the Maple World. Not only did we add these but we also added Oz's Marriage Route up to Affection 75. 

Plenty of other gameplay elements as well so please look through the Changelog for everything that went into this update!

As an added note, to all Patrons who downloaded the update last week, we fixed The new Domain Trial so it shall now work as intended. 

Thank you everyone and we hope you all enjoy this Bonus Update. Kerning Part 4 is already in development and with it another MASSIVE update for you all. Enjoy and please report all bugs here or the Discord.



New Content: Quests, Towns, Monsters, Bosses, etc.

-Added 1+ new NPC 

-Added Kerning Skip to Fredrick in Mushroom Town

-Added 4 Death Scenes (1 is a Forbidden Card Event)

-Added 7 Monster Cousins

By defeating certain families, you spawn powerful version of those monsters.

-Added Monster Cousin locations to Tru's Information Shop

-Added 3 Wanderers

Wanderers are strong Mid-Boss enemies that spawn in 3 set locations by defeating monsters. They drop unique items including Gachapon Tickets, Silver Coins, and more!

1. Little Dragon: Victoria Island

2. Turkey: Maple Island

3. Trainee Spore: Mushroom Castle

-Added Wanderer Information to Tru's Info Shop

-1 hour of new content

New Content: NPC's, Character Quests, Sex Scenes.

-Added 1 new NPC (World Event Sign)

-Added Relationship Stamps for Lania & Millie to Ms Appropriation in the Recollection Room

-Added Kerning Skip to Fredrick's Shop

-Continued Oz's Marriage Route (If you buy the house for 1 million Meso)

-Added 16+ scenes to Oz's Marriage Route

-Added 2 sex scenes to Oz's Marriage Route

New Content: Gameplay

-Added Potion of Passing to Mina's Shop

Potion of Passing will kill the character you use it on and delete it from the save. In return, you get The Coin of Passing added to your Stash. This Coin will give you exp on a new character. Helps to guide older players wishing to replay the game

-Added 25+ World Events

World Events are purely sex scenes that involve the faceless people of the Maple World. You will find World Events in:

1. Amherst

2. Southperry

3. Lith Harbor

4. Henesys

Numerous World Events are triggered based on your choices. Henesys for example has a World Event chain that requires you be on Leonore's Corruption Route.

-Added Forbidden World Events 

Events that require The Forbidden Card 

-Added 4 World Event lists (Instructions on how to view the Events for every city World Event Sign)

-Added 1 Domain Trial after completing the Perion Story Chapter

QOL fixes:

-Removed 200,000+ Words from the Henesys Story Chapter, Headmistress Ivana, Danika, Erwin, and parts of The Spirit & Janes questlines

(All filler)

-Added numerous Alone quests to dozens of character to make the world seem more full (Shout out to Sliphion on Discord for the help!)

-Adjusted Shadow Knight's Stats so he isn't as difficult

-Quest List will now blink when a change happens. Will at least tell you if you are still stuck on a mission

-Added 3 addition modes when pressing H in the middle of a scene

1. Full mode = Show both text & cg

2. CG mode = show only cg no text

3. SFW mode = Hide sd/evt (but still showing MC and effects)

-Fixed up the screen resolution. Should help make changing the screen size more universal

-Orchid's quest in Kerning City will now mention needing to activate her Route before you can continue

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed up the Quest Tracker on certain questlines

-Fixed hundreds of grammar issues (Should out to everyone on Discord for helping me with this)

-Fixed numerous older quest issues brought on by using Skip to Chapter Items

-Fixed crashes when arriving in Perion Story Chapter

-Fixed issue when using Books and Souls of the Chosen

-Touched up art assets clipping together

-Fixed Domain Trial not giving a reward

-Fixed Domain Trial being very easy and simple


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