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Hello everyone and welcome back to another Blog Post for King's Fall! Pardon the delay but I had a VERY busy weekend but we'll just have the post today.

Now, this final week I've set up the final stages for the Kerning Part 3 Update. All that remains is to write out the final Boss Battle with a  few crazy twists here and there. But I'll talk more on that later. This week, I wish to show off something many have been asking for and something we can finally deliver on. Remastered content.

Many fans of King's Fall know that at one point we had to switch artists and with it came a time where many assets were low quality. Our intention was to release content to make sure the story was being pushed forward but also so our artist could adjust to his own style and quality. 

The last few updates we've tried to remaster content where we could but having only 1 artist made it a bit difficult due to scheduling and timing. Until... Someone in the community came forward and volunteered to do just that. What started off as a redraw for Leafa, quickly became something the game really needed. So with us talking about Remastered Content we want to formally introduce our new artist, Auzo. A two person team that has done amazing work for us the last 5 weeks.

Talk is cheap so I'll let the art speak for itself.

Not only has Auzo helped us to create more bright and vibrant CG's for the NPC's, they have also been hard at work retouching and expanding the sex scenes. One of which is the following:

In total we have the following artwork that has been retouched:


1. Utah

2. Kirito

3. Leafa

4. Rowen the Fairy

5. Philius

6. Rain

7. The Great Spirit

8. Lady Syl

Sex Scenes:

1. Lucy

2. Mai Twins TF

3. Maya and Chief BJ

4. Mina HJ & TF

5. LilyxHero Side HJ and BJ

6. Orchid HJ

7. Rain 

Not only have all these scenes been expanded, recolored, and retooled, but they are now edited into The Recollection Room. Once the update launches, be sure to rewatch these scene because many have new animations and such.

Auzo has been a godesend and we hope you all appreciate the hard work that went into all of these. More remasters will be coming in so be sure to look forward to more!

That will wrap up this weeks Blog Post since all the other stuff I want to show, can't be shwon publically on Patreon lol. We want to thank our community for telling us which art needed a good remaster these last few months. Once the quality is finally caught up, we hope you enjoy the game MUCH better!

Join us next week as I detail Clashes and The War Readiness Connection. See all you all then! Stay safe and healthy everyone!


iTyG Acorn (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-27 03:46:33 Thanks for the update and big shoutout to Auzo <3 Thanks for your time and work :)
2022-04-11 12:42:37 Thanks for the update and big shoutout to Auzo <3 Thanks for your time and work :)

Thanks for the update and big shoutout to Auzo <3 Thanks for your time and work :)