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Hello everyone and welcome back to another week of news regarding the next major King's Fall update!

The work has proceeded well into Arc 3 of the Kerning Part 3 Storyline meaning the final confrontation is soon upon us. On top of this, I've also been busy fleshing this update out with plenty of side content and additional Bonus Scenes like the previous update.

This will be the focus of this weeks Blog Update so let's jump into it!

Many of the decisions you've made throughout the game will start to finally blossom by the time the War begins. As an example, one of those decisions had to do with regards to Sophia and Ayan in Perion. Coming in Kerning Part 3, your Lovers & Corruption choices for these women will blossom and evolve.

Today I will detail the Corruption Path. As a quick reminder, Ayan and Sophia were instructed by Hero to head towards Kerning City after the battle with Magnus. Because of his activities and overall busy status, he had not encountered the lovely pair... Until now. Early in the Kerning City storyline, the Hero finds himself back in the city to meet with Orchid. It's here that you can choose to further your Corruption over the whores of Perion.

But it would seem they weren't following his orders. Being far away from his Darkness and not taking anymore Beads of Darkness has lessened their Corruption more than he thought. For those that thought their escalation back in the Perion Chapter was too quick, expect a more in depth and overall slower Corruption process here! Not only will plenty of naughty fun be seen in this update, but it will go in tandem to their Lovers Route back in Home Base.

They will not be the only ones either. A handful of characters will be getting side content to further their content but also their storylines. Sophia and Ayan are going to get welcome ideas based on feedback I received. Expect all of that and more once Kerning Part 3 Releases in late April!

I'm going to cut this Blog Update short since the work continues. We want to thank our Patrons for making content such as Ayan and Sophia possible. All of the side content that's coming is thanks to you all!

See you all next week as we (Hopefully) talking about Ayan and Sophia on their Lovers Route. See you all then! Thank you and stay safe and healthy everyone!


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