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Hello everyone and welcome back to another Blog Update!

In recent weeks we've covered all the dirty details revolving around Kerning Part 2. From the Arcs, the mass amount of Bonus Quests, and also Patrons have been able to look at all the sex scenes that have been coming in all this time. 

With the release window being around Mid February there isn't much left to talk about... Oh wait, The Community Requests!

Hopefully everyone that reads there know about our Discord. Not only is it the best place to reach out for bugs and such but it's also the best place to give BGE fresh ideas. In recent weeks we've had many discussions with players and again have set out with making King's Fall, BETTER! Let's dive into a few things the community mentioned to us.

First up is monster difficulty. As many of you all know, the world is incredibly large but sometimes you'll have to return to areas where monsters are very low level. Maple Island is such a place and most players don't really farm monsters there. So the Community came in and asked if there was a way to Evolve monster encounters and that's just what we did!

Introducing in Kerning Part 2 are Prime and Elite Monsters. These bad boys will now evolve as you slay them. Not only will they gain higher levels but will also increase the drop rate on top of it. Octopus for example will evolve into Prime after 20 kills. Prime versions will not only be more difficult but will also double the amount of MESO, EXP, and will increase all drop table items by a set amount. All in all if you felt a lack of challenge before or maybe felt the drop table was too rare, hunting Prime Monsters will not greatly help you in pretty much every way possible.

The 2nd thing the Community wanted us to add, is to increase the Stash. We had to get a bit creative but in the end we were able to DOUBLE the amount of items you can Stash at your Home.

By using the I and II buttons, you will now be able to more swiftly Stash Items after we gave the power to equip other Job Class items. We hope this is a welcome change for everyone!

The next Community Wanted Feature is what we call, Recycle

Going forward you will now be able to delete items from your inventory at will. If you do not wish to sell or just want to swap items that you got from a  quest reward, you can now Recycle. From now on if your Inventory is Full, fresh items are put into Recycle. Once you leave a map, the Recycle gets dumped out. This will be so you never lose items from quests even if your inventory is full. However, if you leave items in the Recycle and leave the map, they're gone forever!

The next items is a very simple one and one you can use if you wish. This item can be bought from Frederick in Mushroomtown and it will simply change your character name. Those that know the story understand the Hero is named William. "Why would I change the name if it doesn't matter to my character?" Oh... You'll see why we asked you to name your Hero something at the very beginning of the game. You'll see...

And the last thing we wish to bring up and something the Community has been asking about for most of last year. As you know, all our Patrons receive Gift Tools that supply you with Coins to buy Cheat Items. The process of downloading our exe for the Tool is lost to many so we decided to switch things up. Going forward you will now be able to get ALL Maple Coins directly from the game itself. 

When talking with Fredrick you can now get The Password Box. With a simple password we give out every month, you simply enter it in game and get your rewards. No downloads, no anti viruses flagging stuff, it's all simplified. Hopefully this motivates many to claim rewards!

BUT this also helps us with a certain item we can never seem to figure out. Going forward you will also be able to claim The Forbidden Card directly from the game. No more Forbidden.exe. THIS should help players immensely! now the Card is one password away. Once the Kerning Part 2 drops, the Password will be made public. Now everyone can enjoy it!

 And that will wrap up everything we've been adding since Kerning Part 2 started development. As you can see, the Community came swinging and we heard you all! If you are reading this and have your own idea for QOL or even an idea for the game, please join our Discord! We want King's Fall to be PERFECT and it starts with the community uniting and telling us what parts the game is lacking in. 

We want to thank our Patrons but also our Community. We have more QOL that makes the game overall BETTER and it's thanks to you all! When Kerning Part 2 releases next month, it'll be another step towards a better game. Thank you!

Next week will be back to talk about the story so check back! We hope everyone stays safe and healthy out there. Take care everyone!


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