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Hey there everyone!

Another week another Blog Update for you all to showcase what's coming in the next King's Fall update. 

This Blog Update will be quick mainly due to not wanting to show off too many spoilers. If you've been keeping track of everything in the Blog Posts, you'll know that Leafa will finally have her grand entrance to the storyline. She's had her appearances and guest spots but she'll finally be joining the Main Cast.

Those of you that played through Kerning Part 1 will know how things ended and her grand lashing out upon finding out about Asuna's and Kirito's relationship. It will take some time but eventually, things open up and Leafa starts to understand her place in this world but also the places of Kirito and Asuna around the Hero's life. 

As such everything begins with an explanation from Kirito's side. From this point on, Leafa is set up to live with the Hero but also find her own worth with everything going on. With an active War on the horizon, Leafa will make great strides to make up for what she did. 

That's not to say that's all there will be. Asuna will take on a very supportive role in getting Leafa out of her shell... And into the Hero's pants. All your choices you've made with Asuna will not actively start affecting Leafa in numerous ways but the biggest being her Lovers and Corruption Routes. This update will finally have Leafa joining the Harem but not by herself. As said, her fate is closely tied to Asuna so we can't wait to show you how gently or forcibly Asuna pushes Leafa.

Loveable girlfriend or Slut Knight #2? Depending on your choices, you'll see personally!

That will wrap up this Blog Update this week! It was quick and to the point but it helps me divert more things and not spoil the upcoming Kerning Part 2 update. 

Thank you to our many Patrons and fans who keep voicing their opinions, giving us feedback, and overall making the game even better! You are all amazing and keep us at BGE motivated to create amazing things. 

See you all next week and stay safe and healthy everyone! 


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