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Hey everyone!

Sorry for the delay on the Blog Update but the clocks changing has completely destroyed my sleeping schedule. Still not completely rested but it's good enough to sit down and write one of these out.

So this week will be a quick one as I'm trying to plan out what to share from the coming Kerning City update. For now I'll go into talking about a QOL improvement and a set of new skills coming your way!

First off is the following screenshot:

Notice anything new? Maybe the large new button named SORT? That's right, we finally added a way for you to sort your inventory. This last update while we were fixing up bugs we saw that many players had inventories that were difficult to track down certain items. Going forward you'll now have everything sorted at just a touch. We hope this helps players get there stuff nice and organized!

The 2nd thing I bring today is an addition to what we changed last update. So those that played the previous update, have unlocked what we call Book Skills. These allowed you to FINALLY equip items from a different Job Class. Well in the Kerning City update, you'll find Skills that will allow you to actually follow the Stat path of those Job Classes.

In this screenshot we have The Soul of the Mage. This Skill is gotten if you equipped the Book of the Mage from Raul. With both you can now equip ANY Mage Gear but your stats will now be boosted so you can feel more like a Mage. Each Book and Soul combo will change your stats in the following ways:

Warrior: "Increased Strength and Dexerity" +2/STR +1/DEX  
Thief: "Increased Dexterity and Luck"  +1/DEX +2/LUK  

Mage: "Increased Intuition and Luck" +2/INT +1/LUK  

Bowman: "Increased Strength and Dexterity" +1/STR +2/DEX  

Pirate: "Increased Dexterity and Strength" +1.5/STR +1.5/DEX

Both will help in the coming battles of The King's Fall storyline so we hope you all have fun with the Soul Skills.

This will wrap up this weeks Blog Update. A fairly short one but more will come next week as the writing continues. Our Patrons will receive 2 pieces of art a week until release so keep an eye out every Wednesday and Sunday. Thank you for your support and we can't wait to show you more from the Kerning City update.

Stay safe everyone!


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