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Hey everyone!

After 2 months of work we have the next chapter of King's Fall ready for you all! Thanks to everyone that reported bugs in the last week. The Public is now ready for Public and all the main bugs have been fixed. 

For those that have already seen everything, the Public release adds content to Sugar Baby Oz so it's worth a download if you wish to continue her content. Thanks for waiting everyone and enjoy the next Story Chapter!

Changelog for King's Fall Perion and Gameplay 2.0


If you cannot start The Mastery Quests, Mina's and Asuna's Corruption Quests or Ellinia NPC's; after the 1st Kirito fight, there is an override in place. Continue playing the game until you have to sneak into Ellinia. Once you've been in Ellinia 1 time, head back to Mushroom Town into the Recollection Room to find Ms Appropriation. Click on her to activate the Override that will allow you start The Mushroom Castle, Mastery Skill Questline, and all the Asuna and Mina Corruption based content.

Gameplay Override: 

IMPORTANT FOR OLD SAVES! The game now forces you to choose between Cane and Cannon Job/Specialization. Old saves already have variables set in place so if you wish to force the game to recognize you as Cane or Cannon, head to The Recollection Room in Mushroom Town after fighting Kirito in Henesys and speak with Ms. Appropriation. You will be able to switch from the Beginning Class to Cannon or Cane Job. Doing this will remove Cannon or Cane skills in order to make room for brand new ones. 

New Content: Quests, Towns, Monsters, Bosses, etc.

-Added 1 new island, Ereve (Follow Oz's Girlfriend Route to unlock it.)

-Added 2 Towns, Perion and Ereve

-Added 5+ new NPC's (2 are romanceable)

-Added 14 Monster maps.

-Added 13 new monsters

-Added 1 new Monster Boss, Stumpy

-Added 5 Boss Fights

-Added 100 new items to the game

-Added two Tinkerer Boxes to Perion Region (Both require you've found all the boxes in Ellinia). Get your first look at The Tinkerer!

-148+ quests added to the game 

-Added two canon Forbidden Card Events. Join the Discord to find out how to view them

-2-3 hours of new content

-Added another Card Set to Pia in Henesys. Completing the Stumpy Codex will give you added rewards.  

New Content: NPC's, Character Quests, Sex Scenes.

-Added 7+ new NPC's (Sophia, Ayan, Dances with Balrog, Arturo, Mr. Smith, Mr. Thunder, Leafa, Cecily (Oz's Mother))

-Added 6+ Sex Events (24 total scenes)

-Added 1 Lovers and Corruption choice for Sophia and Ayan

-Added 6+ character SD's (Sophia, Ayan, Leafa, Dances With Balrog, Arturo, Leafa)

-Remade 3 character SD's (Lily, Millie, Orchid)

-Remade 2 Sex Events (Leonore BJ/TF and Maria BJ) Check Recollection Room to revisit the changes

-Continued Leonore's Corruption and Lovers Routes.

-Added Lesbian Relationship System

If on Lovers route for NPC's, many will start relationships with other women. Game will now give you the choice if you want women in the Harem to date other women when the Hero's not around. (Women will NOT be stolen from the Hero and NTR is not something that will happen. The Hero will remain the main source of love to every woman.) 

-Added Ms. Approproation to Recollection Room

This NPC will now be in charge of Overrides, Bug Fixes, and Recollection Room issues. Basically if something goes wrong in the game, we at BGE will add quests that wil fix it. Kirito's Overrides have been moved over completely

-Added Relationship Stamps

Going into the Recollection Room, you can now acquire Stamps that will fast forward NPC's to quickly select Lovers and Corruption Choices. Best used in tandem with the Story Skip so you can freely continue all of them across the story.

-Added a dozen quests to Sugar Baby Oz and her Girlfriend Route (Slut Route will be updated later)

-Added Part 2 Quests to a few NPC's that got sex scenes in Perion. The rest will come later.

New Content: Gameplay

-Added Gameplay 2.0:

After finishing the Henesys Chapter, visit Raul in Domain Sigma to unlock Books of the Chosen. These Books allow you to equip ANY piece of equipment from another job class. (Can only choose 1 Book at a time)

-Added Aggro Markers:

Enemies are now marked with Swords to show you which enemy is attacking you. Those with no markers are peaceful/not alerted

-Changed players Class

After taking Ownership of Domain Sigma, speaking with Raul will give you the choice to follow a Cannon or Cane Specialization aka Cannon Job or Cane Job. Going forward you'll now get Skills unique to that Class instead of forcing the player to have both. Declining the Cannon Job, automatically gives you the Cane Job in Asuna's storyline. (Older saves should read the Override note at the top of this Changelog)

-Added 7+ new Skills

1.Book of the Warrior: 

"A Book passed down by a line of Warriors. Allows one to wear the garb of Warriors."

2.Book of the Mage: 

"A Book covered in Seals and Enchantments. Allows one to wear Mage garbs"

3.Book of the Archer:

"A Book that carry's The Wind. Allows one to wear the clothing of the Bowmen"

4.Book of the Thief:

"A Book covered in coded messages. Allows one to wear the garb of Thieves"

5.Book of the Pirate:

"A Book with a treasure map on the cover. Allows one to wear the clothing of Pirates"

6.Knight's Overcharge:

"Overload the next shot and lay waste to all. Unable to fire again until it cools down.

Unique if you choose the Cannon Job. To unlock, meet the Pirate Queen in Luna's storyline and head to your Training Post in Domain Sigma

7. ????

Play through the Perion Storyline to unlock

-Added Auto-Clicker to game. Head to Settings Menu (K) to turn it on

-Added blind, curse, seal, stun and weakness to enemy attacks

-Added Domain Trial Expansion

After completing the Perion Story Chapter, head to Domain Sigma and you can speak with Lania. You will now be able to re-fight old story bosses that will drop unique items called Fragments of Time. These items can be traded for powerful pendants that will boost your stats in different ways. The first re-fight is of The Scientist with more bosses coming every story chapter.

-Added Frogs to Mushroomtown. These Frogs won't attack and are there to adjust new players to combat before heading to the forests. For experienced players... These frogs might have a surprise or two if you kill a few of them...

QOL fixes:

-Added Music Player. In Settings menu (K) you can see the name of the current song in the bottom left corner. Click on it to change the song. Will replace whatever song is associated with the current map

-Added 10+ more BGM's to the game. 

-Added numerical values to HP and MP bars

-Added play time tracker. In the Settings menu (K) you can now keep track of your total playtime, clicking will show total time. 

-PRT SCR now saves screenshots to the game folder

-Highlighted Boss Monsters in Beastiary with yellow. Will prevent surprises when you run across them

-Can now drop any item from the inventory screen. Simply Click and Hold to see where to drop items

-Added Ambient Sounds to the game (Town chatter, Birds, Heartbeat, etc)

-Added 22 new special effects for story moments. Older scenes have been touched up and new Perion content will also show some more effects.

-Removed 30,000+ words from the script (Mainly from the Henesys Chapter. All filler and no story changes have been made)

-Old Maple Coins can now be earned in game. Fighting Bosses will drop Silver Coins that you can trade with Fredrick in Mushroom Town for Old Maple Coins 

-Knight's Blessing Skill has been adjusted. Will now earn more EXP and more level ups will produce more gains

-Adjusted Boss Monster and Boss Spawn Rate. They should now spawn after a few moments 

-Added easter egg to Log In Menu (Wait a few seconds...)

-Clicking on Beastiary Item Drops will now send you to Library so you can check for similar drops or rewards from quests

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed numerous Perion bugs that halted progress

-Fixed Music Player causing crashes

-Fixed issue where choosing Cannon or Cane Job would cause issues in the story quests

-Fixed a few Quest Tracker issues for Perion related quests


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