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Hello everyone! Welcome to the last Blog Post before we release The Perion Update!

The update is still on track to release Friday, October 8th

We're releasing the update today to $25+ Patrons but also for testers as well. Once they hand over all the bugs and issues, we're ready for Friday!

Today though we want to talk about what else we've been revamping. Gameplay and Story were all touched up, cleaned, and made better in the Perion Update but that's not all we revamped! Our artist has been hard at work trying to improve the quality of his work. Today we want to show you 3 revamped SD's that our artist B-Eil has done for us.

Orchid, Millie, and Lily all have brand new artwork that looks much more detailed. Our artist heard some of the feedback over his style and quality and went into improving. The Perion Update will show off the new Millie and Lily but Orchid will wait until Kerning for her new introduction. 

All 3 will get new expressions, costumes, and accessories. You'll see some in the Perion update but for sure will see much more in the coming updates!

Regardless many other pieces of art will be changed and made better as we continue to put out updates. Raul, Utah Sr, and Oz will be up next SD wise. After that we're going to be revamping the Orchid H J scene and the Asuna Scene as well. We can't wait to show you how it looks!

We also went in and remade Maria's B J scene which all players can view in the Recollection Room soon as the update drops! Patrons have already gotten a glimpse but look forward to more soon!

But let's move on to another improvement we've made. Domain Trials were added a few updates ago and with that we decided to make the rewards a little more worth it. Once you complete the Perion Update, you will find a familiar NPC in Domain Sigma. This NPC will point you to how to re-fight older Bosses like The Scientist but in much more difficult ways. The rewards are Fragments of Time. These new Fragments will be a new currency you will be able to exchange for powerful Amulets/Pendants.

Each one will add stats to your build while others have stronger effects. Combined with the Books Jobs and your current stats, you'll start seeing how much of a power house you can become!

All this and more are coming in the Perion Update, by far our largest update in terms of Story, Sex Scenes, Gameplay, and QOL improvements. All of this will be in your hands soon! 

Check back Friday, October 8th to see how much King's Fall has changed in 2 months. It's been a lot of hard work but our Patrons and Fans kept us motivated. Thank you!

That will wrap up this blog post. As said up above, this will be the last blog post until maybe the last week of October when we begin production of The Kerning Update. More on that later!

Our Patrons are only just days away from getting the update in your hands. All the changes, improvements, and the next Story Chapter was all written for you all. Thank you for supporting us and we hope we continue to earn your support. 

Stay safe out there everyone and count down the days until The Perion Update drops! Thanks again!


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