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Hello everyone!

I hope you are all doing well out there in this crazy world. But the good news is we bring you nothing but good news today! As I said last week, the Perion storyline is completed! I wrote the last diverging sex scene today for Leonore and now I'm going to implement probably the biggest thing we've ever added to the game. 

Let's jump into Gameplay 2.0 shall we!

Awhile back we put out a survey asking for feedback. One of the biggest criticisms we have is that gameplay is far too simple and repetitive. While the core gameplay design will have to remain as it's a Clicker, we did find new ways of making it interesting. 

First let's talk about Specializations or as we will put it easily, Job Classes.

We've been hard at work balancing everything out and it's finally ready to be implemented. Going forward the game will now present you to pick between Cane or Cannon Specializations. How this works is now you will ONLY get Skills for Canes or Cannon's, not both.

The reason for this is we've seen players pick between both Cannon's or Cane's and most players only ever use one and not the other. By splitting them, we're hoping to give you more fun goodies for you to partake in.

As you can see in this Screenshot, you will now accept a Job/Specialization right around when you go into Domain Sigma the first time. For Cane's you will be more or less seeing the same Skills as before. Knight's Whirlwind and Strike will remain the same while Knight's Blast will be removed. 

For Cannon's you will be receiving a brand new Skill to fill the missing Cane Skills 

Once you complete the Henesys Storyline, you'll get a new quest to unlock Knight's Overcharge. BUT it does not end here. By putting more focus on Cane's or Cannon's we're freeing up space for more Skills. This will go in line with our next big rework.

You can now equip ANY item in the game with a new Skill

Introducing, Job Books!

Once you complete the Henesys Storyline, Raul will have a brand new quest for you that will unlock Job Books. Each of these Books will now assign a Job of which you can now partake in ANY of that Job's equipment. If you're on the Cannon Specialization then choosing The Book of the Pirate will now give you a larger pool of equipment to pull from. 

Cane Specialization can use the Book of the Mage for more Cane's! This is a very huge deal as now you have such a bigger pool of items to equip from. Not only just armor, but weapons and accessories as well! But it doesn't stop there. Once you get back from your journey in Perion, you will unlock further customization!

Soul Skills will further adjust your stats so you can further develop your build. Not enough Cannon DPS? Use the Soul of the Pirate to further get gains. Same with every other Job Class in the game. Going forward you will have better control in stats and also your overall inventory. We hope you all enjoy what's been a long time coming!

All of this has been completed and is in the game. We're not on the last few finishing touches before we complete The Perion Update. With that out of the way we're ready to talk about the release date.

The Perion Update drops October 8th for Patrons!

We need a few more days to finish out the new Skills and then after that it's a lot of testing to make sure everything isn't broken. But I can guarantee that October 8th you will have the new update! 

Phew, that was a lot to go through but this update is going to be a large turning point for us. So much work went into cleaning up, fixing, and also reworking EVERYTHING that players did not like according to the Feedback. Once this is out we can start making even MORE adjustments as needed. We can't wait for you all to see the next chapter of Perion!

Join us in next weeks Blog Post as we talk about Character reworks and also the brand new Domain Trial Expansions! 

Thanks to our Patrons for supporting us this far! The update is soon coming. Just a little while longer!

Stay safe everyone and see you all next week!



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