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Hello everyone and welcome back to another Weekly Blog Post! 

Work has gone exceedingly well and the Perion Update is shaping up great so far. This week I wanted to go into where the Story left off and what to expect on your first day in Perion (Days are very important in the Perion Update.)

So let's start off where Ellinia left off at. The Hero brought his friends and family together in hopes of unifying them one last time. Magnus aka The Knight in The Libratas had marked the Hero for death as the Hero was forced to leave everything behind and go into hiding. He was welcomed into Ellinia by The Spirit he saved just prior and she promised to keep him safe... But hiding was no way to live. He had to fight back. 

After 10 days of hiding in Ellinia, the Hero made Magnus a deal. If he could go to Perion and learn from the Warrior Guild for 7 days, he would give what Magnus craved above all... A proper fight. Magnus giddy with excitement decided to fly The Hero there himself. And that's where Perion will take place, mere moments after making that deal with Magnus. 

Now the overall structure of Perion is built around the 7 Days the Hero has to train before Magnus arrives. But more on that in next week's Blog Update! For now I wanted to go over what you'll expect when you arrive in Perion... And who actually arrives when you do. 


That's right, Leonore finds herself in Perion when the Hero arrives! Why? Because the Duality must always keep them together. The entire Chapter of Perion will have Leonore as a prime character that the Hero will grow closer too. For the fans that have been asking when the Hero and Leonore would finally become something more than friends? Now's the time!

The Hero and Leonore will spend 7 days alone and in this time both of Leonore's Lovers and Corruption Routes will finally be expanded upon. On top of that, Leonore will finally tell the Hero the many secrets she's hidden away from him. Here is but a small teaser of what's to come!

I want to dive into her Lovers and Corruption Routes for this update but I'll save that for another time. For now just know that you'll be getting quite a lot of sex scenes with Leonore wink wink. 

But that's not all that will be happening in Perion. The Story will expand in many many MANY ways and also your Harem, your partners, and more importantly, the amount of Story characters will expand. Just to leave you with another teaser... There's another character that will join the fray. Someone else that was pulled away from their own world...

And that will wrap up this week's Blog Post! Also just one final thing.

Patrons can expect their first look at the Sex Scenes/Events this Wednesday! Check your feed then as we resume the art getting 2 posts a week until Perion drops!

We want to thank our Patrons for their support this month! Because of how many new Patrons we got, we're now able to put more money into adding more scenes to the Perion update. Now it's going to be even bigger and better! Thank you! To our fans we hoped you loved Ellinia Part 4 because the next update will be even more of that! Thank you from everyone at BGE!

See you next week when I talk about the 7 Days in Perion. Stay safe and healthy everyone!



SAO Characters galore, I absolutely love this.