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Hello everyone and welcome back to the Weekly Blog Posts. For the many new people that are joining us, these posts go up every Sunday and they tease and inform of how update's are progressing. So let's jump into this one!

First off the feedback we got to Ellinia Part 4 was outstanding! Not only did we get many new Patrons but we found way more feedback to address and make the game even better! To the new Patrons who subbed to us, thank you very much from everyone at BGE! It's thanks to you that we can now make the Perion update WAY BIGGER!

So the last week has been very fruitful because we went into a large cleaning phase. Many areas of the game have been adjusted, new items have been added in, and I've removed probably 10,000+ words from the script that were nothing but bloat. The Henesys Chapter in particular is now MUCH more easier to read and enjoy. We hope many newer players or players doing fresh playthroughs enjoy all the new changes!

2nd we've begun all the preliminary planning and Perion Part 1 has started development!

Perion will be the next Story Chapter of King's Fall and will be the MOST important story wise. After Perion, EVERYTHING will change. The Hero will finally become the Chosen Warrior he was meant to be... And many relationships will face changes, break ups will occur (Not for the Hero's Harem mind you), and many new faces will be joining the cast. More on this at a later point!

Perion Part 1 will also be filled to the brim with bonus content. Expect news on this later but what we will add is more Forbidden Card Events (Canon Ones), WAY more music to better diversify the scenes, not 1 but 2 entire lands to explore, the continuation of Oz's Sugar Baby  Storyline AND we'll also be adding a brand new one to Lith Harbor! You will also be able to obtain the next Tinkerer Box and finally meet The Tinkerer!

As you can see there's a lot of content coming in for Perion and starting next week we will begin talking about all the great stuff we're making for you all! Check back then as we finally pull back the veil on The Hero's Journey.

Also starting next week we hope to have enough art so we can begin sending it out to Patrons. We're not sure just yet but you'll know soon enough! 

This will wrap up this quick update but we wanted to thank all of our newest Patrons for supporting us. We didn't disappoint with the last update and we won't disappoint with our next one. 

See you all next week and thanks again!


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