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Hello everyone and welcome back to the LAST Blog Update before we release Ellinia Part 4!

It's been a wild time but we're on the final stretch to release. I've worked tirelessly to give content to a whopping 8 characters. We're talking about 120+ quests in just Maya, Camila, Ming, Luna, Asuna, Mina, Rain, and the up and coming Oz for Ellinia Part 4. ALl that isn't even counting the Ellinia NPC's either!

So here's a quick run down of Ellinia Part 4

7 NPC's got Lover's and Corruption Route updates (104 quests in total)

14 Sex Scenes written and added based on what Route you're on.

1 Sugar Baby added (Check the 2nd part for this type of content)

7 Ellinia NPC's will full blown questlines and Lovers and Corruption Choices.

1 Bonus Dream Scene added

1 Forbidden Card Questline added

10 Character SD's for older NPC's but also some new ones in Ellinia.

As you can tell this update is massive. Without testing everything, I think we added around 2-4 hours of content so it's a lot! As of today the only thing left to do is to finalize the Ellinia NPC's and also get to work on repeat sex scenes but that won't take long. 

The update is going to be releasing on: July 30th so about 12 days from now. Not that much longer! Testers will be getting it soon so once all the problems are fixed, I can focus on other areas to make sure the update is amazing!

With the Progress Report out of the way let's go into another system we added to King's Fall. This system was added to give early game players more fun while they jump into the main story when they land in Victoria Island. The final version is something we're very proud of so let's go into Sugar Baby's!

Coming in Ellinia Part 4 is your first Sugar Baby, Oz. Oz is a very self centered teen who comes off very abrasive. She's rude, she's spunky, she's kind of a bitch! BUT hidden away in her surface level is a girl who loves her family. So much so that she's using the Hero to do it. 

Now once you arrive in South Perry (New Game or Old Save) you will run across Oz and her rude attitude. It's here that you'll learn she's a Sugar Baby looking for a Sugar Daddy to take care of her. How this will work is when meeting a Sugar Baby, you'll have to find a way to get her to notice you. Either by doing a quest for them, paying them gobs of money, or maybe even convincing a friend of theirs. 

Sugar Baby's are like a puzzle but once they're unlocked, you are now given a way to level up your Sugar Baby and shape her to your liking. Oz in particular is tied to Rain so keep that in mind!

Once you have unlocked a Sugar Baby and she's accepted you as her Sugar Daddy, you can finally get down and dirty with them!

Every Sugar Baby will have a Sex Menu that you can select from. The goal is that each time you select something from the Sex Menu, you give her Affection Points. After certain amounts you will unlock conversations, choices, Discounts, etc. Basically the more money you give to a Sugar Baby, the more you get back. 

Oz in particular grows very attached to the Hero and you'll learn much about her family life, her goals in life, but also you will unlock a Sugar Baby Choice. These Choices are very much like the Lover's or Corruption Routes in the base game EXCEPT, these Choices are more numerous and you'll have an active hand in how your Sugar Baby shapes up to be. 

Will you make the abrasive Oz a potential wife... Or will you pimp her out? Will you help her family and hopefully get some fun on the side... Or will you abuse your relationship and get Oz to do the nasty herself? 

These choices will come as you raise their Affection. Unlike base NPC's in King's Fall, you will raise a Sugar Baby's Affection rapidly. Coming in Ellinia Part 4 you can raise Oz's Affection up to 25 and also unlock your first Choice. After that once we start getting more art for her, you'll start seeing your Choices unfold. It's going to be a wild time and we hope new and older players enjoy it!

And that will wrap up this Blog Update. As said before the update will Release July 30th so not that much longer. The update is one of out very best and will give content to every single area of the game. It's thank to our Patrons this update turned out amazing so in just a few more days, you'll have it in your hands!

This will also be the last Blog Update for July and the last Blog Update for a few weeks until we get everything released to Patrons and the Public. Regardless you'll hear from us in August as we start working on the next Story Chapter of King's Fall, Perion!

Stay safe everyone and stay tuned for Ellinia Part 4!


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