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Hello everyone! 

Sorry for the small delay but yesterday got away from me. This week I'll keep the Progress Report small as I have a few things to do and I don't want to let the day get away from me lol. 

Anyways in the last week I've finished Luna completely. Her content is very to the point but it's made to be very forward like she is. Today I'll go over her Lovers Route and how that will look like. 

So where we last left Luna, she wanted to attach herself to the Hero's goal of creating a Harem. After naming herself the Harem Queen, she and the Hero bonded and started their new relationship together. Her Lovers Route will continue a week after everything happened. After getting a letter from her you will head back to An Empty Town and discover that Luna's not very pleased with the Hero. 

Here's a teaser for their reunion and the overall feelings of Luna.

As she sorts through her feelings for him, she challenges him to an Endurance Test, the winner... Gets to grant the other any wish they want. But what does Luna want exactly.... Well it's nothing else but what started her wish of being a Harem Queen in the first place. 


I won't spoil what happens but let's just say the Endurance Test doesn't go the Hero's way and he has to humor Luna's wish. It's time the Hero, Asuna, and Luna had some bonding time!

Her Lovers and Corruption Route are the shortest of any this update but you will be getting 2 sex scenes right away. Luna is not one to pussyfoot around so expect debauchery from her right away! 

Her Corruption Route will follow overall the same idea but with 1 very distinct difference. In her Lover's Route, the Hero isn't out to change Luna and instead just rolls with her general attitude. She stays Dominant throughout where as in her Corruption Route, you break her Dominant side RIGHT away. 

Each Route will be different because it'll show how Luna serves the Harem either as a Dom or a Sub. This next update will show both so we hope you enjoy the Route you chose for her!

Next week I'll go over her Corruption side and hopefully I'll bring Mina along details wise. 

Regardless this update is making great progress and I'm hoping to release it by the middle of July for testers and the end of July for Patrons. More news soon!

That will wrap up this Blog Update. We again thank our Patrons and fans for keeping King's Fall alive. We have an update FULL of sexy scenes and many new NPC's as well. Your support is what keeps King's Fall alive and allows it to grow! 

Thank you all and stay safe out there!


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