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Hello everyone and welcome back to another Weekly Blog Post!

This past week I've been writing like crazy so let's just jump into it!

Let's start with Camila. As of a few days ago, Camila's content is done and finished. Her Lover's and Corruption Routes have been finalized so that's the 2nd character done for this update. Let's go into what her Route will entail. 

Where we last left Cami, Utah Jr. had left to prove himself a better man for her (Same as in her Lover's Route and the Main Story) BUT the Dark Hero had begun to plant his seeds in between her and little Utah Jr. Her Corruption Route picks up just as the Hero has established his Home Base and Utah Sr is left alone in that large farm house. 

The Hero will begin to fool the innocent Camila into thinking that Utah Sr has truly suffered in his life and that the selfish Utah Jr is just making things worse. As he plants seeds of betrayal in Camila he plans his Corruption on another one... Utah Sr. As her Corruption Route proceeds, you will spend almost an entire week showering Utah Sr and Cami with your Corruption. What starts off as an innocent sleepover for the well being of a father, turns into a home full of lust. 

Little by little the Hero begins to fester new feelings between Cami and Utah Sr until boundaries are broken and Cami and Utahs Sr's relationship blossoms into a sexual one. BUT this is not all that will blossom. It is here that Cami's innocence is bent and broken and soon the Hero will have a new slave to parade about. One that follows his every word...

Here is a small teaser for Camila's Corruption Route

Plenty of debauchery awaits those that are on Camila's Corruption Route. But she won't be the only one at Home Base being Corrupted. 

This last week also saw the work being finalized for another core character, Asuna. Asuna's Corruption Route is going to be very different than what you're all expecting but in a good way. 

Where we last left Asuna, the Hero began to tell her how much he loved her body. As things move on in the story and Asuna and the Hero are finally living together (Home Base), he will find out a certain secret from her that will provide plenty of ammunition in his Corruption over her. What starts off as a simple favor will evolve into a much sluttier Asuna. 

Asuna's content is one I had a lot of fun writing because it takes place throughout the entire Ellinia Storyline. We're not talking about Corrupting her over a few days... We're talking weeks! Every single time the Hero gets a break in the Ellinia Storyline, you will be able to check in with Asuna and see where she's at. Her Corruption is slow but the end goal has a MUCH bigger impact than other characters. Here is just a small teaser for Asuna.

By the time her content catches up with the main story, Asuna will be what the Hero always wanted her to be... His Slut Knight. We at BGE hope you enjoy her slow descent into a new side of her. A side the Hero will use over and over again... 

And that will wrap up this week's Blog Post! A lot of other work was established but I won't overload this Blog with it. Next week we're going to be going over Luna's Routes and hopefully Ming's as well. Thanks to our Patrons we're able to make another very large and massive update for you all. We can't wait until it's in your hands! Thank you for your valuable support!

Stay safe out there and see you all next week!


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