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Hello everyone and welcome back to another Blog Post!

Sorry for the delay but insomnia has been kicking my ass the last few days so it's been hard to gather my thoughts on a Blog Post. Anyways I got a full nights sleep for once so let's begin!

This last week I finished up Maya completely! Both her Lovers and Corruption Routes are done as they both end with naughty sex scenes. In her Lovers Route you begin her journey as she runs for Chief of Henesys. Throughout you will learn about her family life but also the overall state of Henesys under the current Chief. 

In her Corruption Route though... You will learn even MORE about her mother and father BUT you will also learn a heavy amount about the Current Chief of Henesys. When players chose her Corruption Route you talked her down from running for Chief and told her to find a Running Mate instead. Ellinia Part 4 picks up right after making that choice as the Evil Hero begins to grow annoyed with Maya. 

As you follow the early story, you'll upset Maya but learn that her parents and the Chief of Henesys were actually old friends. Wanting to find answers the Hero decides to pay a visit to the Chief and finds the truth of it all. Here's a small teaser for her Corruption Path.

Maya's Corruption Path will have her discover that her father, the person she most respected in the world... Maybe wasn't all that good a guy. By the end of her Route, you'll begin to see her get closer to another man. A man she has a new outlook on. The endgame? Control over Henesys and Maya. I won't spoil what happens next but the Corruption Route for Maya will have many World Events as Henesys is turned into a town full of debauchery. We can't wait to show you what it looks like down the line!

But that's not the only thing I worked on this week. This past weekend I started and I'm about to finish the Lover's Route of everyone's favorite little sister, Camila. I don't want to bog down this Blog Post further so here's just a small teaser with the full plan coming in next week's Blog Post.

And that will wrap up this weeks Blog Post! Many great things are coming to Ellinia Part 4 as we make it another update full of content and brimming full of debaucheries. Almost every single corner of the game will be getting content from the early, mid, and current late game (Ellinia) so expect another large update! Art is coming in so Patrons, make sure to check your feeds for all of that! Thank you for your support!

Next week I'll be talking about Camila's Lover's and possibly teasing her Corruption Route. More on her then! Thank you and stay safe everyone!  


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