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Hello and welcome back to another Weekly Blog Update!

This past week has been very exciting as I started work on the Henesys Routes for all your favorite ladies! I started off with Maya since she was one of my favorite characters to write for. 

Now, when we last left Maya she was torn between running for Chief of Henesys or not. If you chose her Lover's Route, she decided to run for Chief. The next update will pick up directly after that decision as Maya sends the Hero a letter asking for help. 

Her Lover's Route will explore just how troubling the current Chief is and just how unhappy everyone really is in Henesys. Not only will the Hero disclose the truth about the Chief's true allegiance (The Libratas) but you'll also learn so much about The Chief and his relationship with Maya and Cami's parents. 

Throughout the new content you'll help Maya introduce herself as The Chief in running all the while she tries to get some alone time with the Hero. Expect a very naughty but sensual scene after it's all set and done!

By the end of it all you and Maya will have a MUCH closer relationship as she begins for the next phase of the election. When she debates the Chief in front of everyone in Henesys!

The other thing we at BGE worked on this week is looking back at the early game of King's Fall. Not only did we finally refresh all the tutorials and removed plenty of useless information so as not to bog down new players, but now we're on the next phase. Sex Scenes.

The early game of King's Fall has mostly teasing scenes but with Ellinia Part 4 we're going to be making it much more spicier. 

Once you arrive in Southperry you're not going to be meeting your first Sugar Baby. These NPC's are all still in school but don't have much desire to work for a living. Instead they're looking for a sugar daddy and the Hero is going to fit that bill. Going forward the Hero will meet many of these Sugar Babies and he will pay them for numerous sex scenes. BUT do not worry, every single one of these women will slowly begin to pull back on the money and join the Hero's Harem. It's just going to take plenty of Meso to get there...

Expect news and media for the first girl in the coming weeks! We hope this helps flesh out the content more in King's Fall for everyone!

That will wrap up this week's Blog Update. All our Patrons got the first Maya scene so check your feeds for it! The full colored version will be released this upcoming Wednesday so enjoy!

Thanks to our Patrons for their support! We can't wait to show you what comes next in Ellinia Part 4! Thank you very much from everyone at BGE!

Take care and see you all next Sunday for another Blog Update for Maya's Corruption Route!


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