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Hello and welcome back to another Bloog Post from us!

This last week saw the beginning of production for Ellinia Part 4 which will be the final update before we move on to the next town and story Chapter, Perion. 

Some of the NPC's I wasn't able to get to in Ellinia Part 3 will finally be added and completed and I decided to start with everyone's favorite hard ass. Philius. 

Same as before, soon as you arrive in Ellinia after escaping the Hunter you'll be able to start a questline for Philius where the Hero will try to get to know the passionate and hateful leader of the elves. Not only will players find out where his hatred stems from but they will also see a quick resolution between Philius and the Hero. 

Philius in the past was very keen on threatening to remove the Hero from Ellinia. Well he will make good on his promise. His questline will be rather quick since he is still very tightly kept away from the Hero but do expect a fair amount of quests for him. 

Overall you'll get a very nice spotlight on Philius as the ending will set up a sort of "Middle ground" between both men. This will also mark a turning point as once you return to Ellinia, your choices with Athena will also affect Philius. Will he be pleased about your loving relationship with his daughter... Or will his rage explode after finding out about your little elf slut? More to come later!

The final thing I wanted to go over today was the art schedule. Our artist has been hard at work and has so far created 4 SD's for Ellinia Part 4. Maya and Camila will finally be getting sex scenes (2 SD's for Lover's and 2 for Corruption). In the next week B-Eil will be creating the character art for 3 NPC's in Ellinia and then get started on the SD's for Luna. Overall I think we have what we need to release art for Patrons. 

Starting May 30th, Patrons will get their first glimpse at Ellinia Part 4!

Maya will be the first SD you all will see followed by Camila the week after. We are hoping to release the line art and colored SD every week until release. Hopefully we can make that promise!

That will wrap up this Blog Update. As always thanks to our Patrons for supporting King's Fall! To our fans thank you for all the feedback this previous update. The game will continue to evolve thanks to you all!

Take care and stay safe out there!


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