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Hello everyone! Welcome back to another Blog Update. This one will be quick as I have some writing left to do before calling it for today. 

So the last week has been very productive. I finally finished Athena's Lover's Route and her sex scenes are all good to go! On Friday I started Admin's Lover's Route but I also went in and re-wrote her "Back from the Dead" scene when the Hero goes around letting his friends know he's back. This will tie in with the Lover's Route but only a little bit. 

But you're wondering... Her Routes aren't in the game yet? They will be! Right after meeting

with Admin once again, you will finally be given the option of her Routes. Will you go ahead and assist her some more for the Lover's Route? Or will you chase some pussy on Maple Island and see how Admin survives on Victoria Island on her Corruption Route? First let's talk about the Lovers Route.

Her Lover's Route will have you once again have you assisting her in growing out the Admin Fan Club. Your destination? Lith Harbor. Along the way you and the Admin have a few private moments as you learn a little more about each other... At least until  trouble arises. As many of you know, The Admin can be very arrogant, flirty, and can get ahead of herself. This will have consequences for the show in Lith Harbor. 

What this will do is introduce the Hero to the REAL Admin. Why she does what she does and why it seems like she refuses to let the Hero go. Here is a small teaser of her Lover's Route. 

What could she mean by this? You will all see soon! Now as of this morning I'm almost done with writing her Lover's Route. At best I'll have 3-4 more quests before that's all done. After this I'll get started on her Corruption Route which will be smaller and much more direct. Expect more debauchery here as she is forced to choose between losing her Fan Club... Or satisfying every member to stay? 

Enough teasers for now. What comes after Admin? Well the last NPC to receive content will be Jane. B-Eil is sending the artwork soon so once that's out, I can finally wrap up the NPC's from older parts of the game. After that we're going to be adding a brand new NPC to Maple Island as we create a new storyline for you all to follow. Once this NPC is in place we'll be back to adding quests to all the Ellinia NPC's. It's going to be a fun time as we wrap up this update and release it in April! No date yet but the next 2 weeks will tell us more!

That will wrap up this Blog Post. Join us next week as we discuss Admin's Corruption Route and also hopefully have a sneak peek at Jane's Lover's Route! 

Thanks again to our Patrons who have supported us this far. The update is coming along nicely and once finished, will be another massive update for you all. Thank you for keeping King's Fall alive! To our fans thank you for the constant feedback. Without you we would be lost!

See you all next week and stay safe out there!


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