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Hello everyone! Welcome back to another week of news for the next update of King's Fall!

This week was incredibly beneficial as I wrote almost nonstop. Here's a quick progress report before we get on to the topics of the day.

As of this week the Mai Twins have been completed on top of Lucy's Lovers and Corruptions Paths also being completed. More than 26 Quests all wrapped up as the artwork, sex scenes, and more are all ready to go!

This goes in line with what the topic of the day is. From reading the title you're wondering "There's Surprise Animations?" You read that correctly. See back when our older artist was still with the project we were making high depth animations that flowed beautifully. After bringing in our current artist B-Eil we were under the impression we could no longer make them. 

How wrong we were. After messing around with B-Eil's artwork and our animation engine, we discovered we could indeed create animations going forward! As of this morning we have edited the following scenes to be animated!

Lucy's first Sex Scene

Asuna's First Sex Scene

On top of that going forward we're going to be adding more layers to current sex scenes to make them much more spicier than before! This goes along to our next headline. Surprise Additions. 

After looking at the current schedule we found out we had room for one more set of scenes. And guess who those scenes will go to? Athena Pierce, the leader of the Bowman in Henesys! That's right folks, Athena will be getting an updated Lovers and Corruption Route! 

As said a few Blog Posts before, Athena was going to be a part of Betty's Corruption path as an exclusive Corruption only character. Well the writing soon lead to some very naughty places and we decided to expand it. As of yesterday morning, Betty's and Athena's Corruption Paths are done and with it a brand new sex scene with Athena. 

Today I began work on her Lover's Path and wrote 1 of 2 sex scenes you'll see there. Athena is a very popular character so we decided to give her Lover's scenes some extra oomph! Here is a small teaser at what's to come in Athena's Storyline! 

Over the next week I'll be finished this Route up and then starting work on the last 2 characters that will receive Routes this update. Admin and Jane. Once those two are done I'll be back to adding content to all the other dozen NPC's in Ellinia. More on that coming soon!

There's nothing more I can say without spoiling things but so far the work has gone smoothly. We're on track to release this update next month and the amount of content is starting to show! With 12 Sex Scenes coming in and multiple Routes being worked on, this will be another massive update for King's Fall. We can't wait for you all to try it and finally reconnect with all your favorite characters!

This will wrap up this blog update as I get back to work in writing things out. We again would love to thank our Patrons. Without you, we wouldn't be able to afford all the artwork we're making. On top of that your support allows us to work even harder. Thank you from everyone at BGE! 

Thanks again and see you all next week for another progress report. Stay safe everyone!


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