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Hello everyone!

After a weird and tough 2 weeks, we've found most of the issues with a majority of the content in Ellinia Part 2 on top of older content like Lucy's Quest, Quest Tracker Bugs, and a bug that made certain enemies impossible to beat. After a long week we're more than confident we're launching the update in a good state (Here's hoping!). 

We at BGE are ready to present Ellinia Part 2 to the Public! We hope you enjoy all the work and ideas we poured into this release and hope you all enjoy all the new changes, mechanics, and the final conclusion against The Scientist in Ellinia!

Any bugs or issues let us know here or at the Discord which is linked in the game. Enjoy and feel free to gives us feedback and or ideas to further make King's Fall the best game around!


Changelog for King's Fall 0.2.5 Ellinia Part 2

New Content: Quests, Towns, Monsters, Bosses, etc.

-1 new map Mushroom Castle  

-75+New Story quests 

-8 New maps for monster Hunting

-5 new Enemies 

-3 new Mid Bosses: Yeti Kings 

-2 Bosses Added 

-12+ Hidden Spots added to Henesys and Ellinia

-105+ New Items, Weapons, Armor, etc

New Content: NPC's, Character Quests, Sex Scenes.

-5 New NPC's across Ellinia, Mushroom Castle, and Maple Island 

-1 New Female NPC to romance. Familiar Woman in Maple Island

-4 Character Questlines: Asuna, Orchid, Familiar Woman, Mina, and Great Spirit all have added story content and Sex Scenes

-5 New Sex Scenes for Asuna, Orchid, Familiar Woman, Mina, and Great Spirit.

-Added 2 Bonus Scenes for Asuna's Lovers Route

-Added Bonus Scene for Leonore's Lovers Route

-Added Bonus Scene for Mina's Lovers Route 

-Added Bonus Scene for Maria's Lovers Route

-Added Bonus Scene for Lucy's Lovers Route

-Added Bonus Scene for Mai Twins Lovers and Corruption Routes 

-Added SD's for Kirito, Raul, and Familiar Woman

-Added Dream Scene for MinaxAsuna

-Added Fredrick to Maple Island

Fredrick is the Cheat NPC. Going forward you will now speak with him when it comes to activating Cheats and Also the Skip Chapter Function. 

New Content: Gameplay

-Investment System

As you play through the game, you will be reminded of Investments that you can now collect if you have already Recreuited NPC's into The Ardyn. You can now collect and further invest in the current Friend you can Recruit.

-4 Investment Oppurtunities added

-Added 3 new Skills

1. Cane Mastery: Increase how much damage Cane based Skills do. Applies to Knight's Whirlwind and Knight's Strike

2. Cannon Mastery: Increase how much damage Cannon based skills do. Applies to Knight's Blast

Cane & Cannon Mastery Quests can be started after the fight with Kirito at the end of the Henesys storyline.


Can be gotten at the end of the Ellinia Part 2 Storyline

-Added Skip to Chapter Cheats in Maple Island. Will skip entire Chapters to better fast track players that have played the game multiple times. NOT INTENDED FOR NEW PLAYERS!

-Added 24 Hour Quests

The 24 Hour Questline can be started by visiting Lith Harbor or your Mailbox in Maple Island and obtaining the Letter from Asuna. Upon following and completing the Mushoom Castle Questline you will unlock the 24 Hour Quest. This Quest can be done once every 24 Hours for great rewards like Coupons that increase how much Meso, EXP, and your Drop Rate for extended amounts of time.

-Added 7 Coupons based around Meso, EXP, and Drop Rate (150%, 2X, and 3X added)

-Added 1st Tinkerer Location Clue in Ellinia (Will need to have found another Tinkerer Box around Henesys to open) 

-Added 1st Domain Trial

Domain Trials are harder versions of past events that will reward you with better equipment. 1st Domain Trial will reward a better Cane 

QOL fixes:

-Further cleaned up the writing in some areas of the game by removing 1200+ words from the game (All filler)

-Using Domain Objects will now return you to the exact X,Y postion you were at before you teleported away

-Can now Click on Hidden Sections of the Quest Tracker to get Hints in the off chance it bugs out

-Added Log Function to game. You can now repeat past Quest Conversations in case you get lost. (Green Pencil in the top right of the


-Added Quest after getting The Knight's Channel to further explain the many tools you have at your disposal

-Added Blue Backgrounds to Domain Items and Key Items to highlight their importance

-Fixed and improved Asuna's Hunting Event as well as adding new rewards


If you cannot start The Mastery Quests after the 1st Kirito fight, there is an override in place. Continue playing the game until you have to sneak into Ellinia. Once you've been in Ellinia 1 time, head back to Henesys and the house above The Bowmen to find Kirito. Click on him to activate the Override that will allow you start The Mushroom Castle and Mastery Skill Questline 

Bugs Fixed:

-Fixed bug where scenes weren't added to the Recollection Room

-Fixed 2 crashes in the game

-Fixed a few issues with the Quest Tracker not marking quests/missions as complete

0.2.5a Changelog

QOL fixes:

-Removed a majority of Repeat Scenes and instead renamed them as Part 2 Quests. All quests from Stripping to other scenes have been added to the Recollection Room in Mushroom Town

-Added Majority of Part 2 Quests to game (Orchid still needs 1)

-Further balanced the game by upgrading how much exp you get in Henesys Missions

-Edited Jump Quest Information by letting the player know they need to get The Transport Scrolls and visit Mina before they can hand over the Pig Veins

-Added a break in Asuna's Ring quests that will allow you to drink all your potions before being taken to the Golem Temple

-Removed The Lady in White cutscene and instead made it run only once. 

-Further added to Skip Feature by allowing you to complete a majority of quests instead of only a few

-Rebuilt The Recollection Room. Scenes are now added as soon as you view them once. 30+ have been added in this update.

-Added 2 Autoplay quests to early game to better communicate the tools you have as well as how the Quest Tracker Functions

-Game will now tell you what 2 Stats the Darkness Build depends on

-Added sound notification when picking up a Card

-Added proper text to Asuna's and Luna's quests to better direct the player

-Completely cleaned up Luna's Quests and removed 900+ words of useless grammar

-Changed Finding Asuna's Ring from a Hidden Spot to a Hand that isn't obscured by Golems

-Added multiple new Missions to Asuna's Quest, The Spooky House, and the Ellinia's Quest Tracker to better direct the player

-Interconnected finding a Home Base and acquiring the Home Base so the player is no longer lost

-Added text letting the player know that The Recollection Room unlocks scenes in between Saves. Once you unlock a scene, it's there forever.

-Completely Rebuilt the Skip Quests from Fredrick.  

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed numerous bugs from Ellinia Part 2

-Fixed Crashes associated from newer content on top of older systems causing saves to act up

-Corrected numerous typos

-Fixed scenes not having SD's in them

-Further cleaned up The Quest Tracker mainly in Orchid and Utah Sr Quests

-Fixed certain scenes not teleporting you where you need to be.

-Fixed issues with the 24Hour quests not activating

-Fixed countless issues with the Skip Function

-Fixed issues with Domain Items not taking you where you last were

-Fixed issues with HP drain not function properly

-Fixed issues with VN Player acting up when going back a page

-Fixed Kirito quest not appearing where it should

-Fixed Perion not locking itself when it should

-Fixed Crash from putting a Domain Item in the newer 5 Quick Slots

-Completely rebuilt Lucy's Character Quest. Should now function as it should

-Fixed major bug where certain enemies would keep powering up leaving them immortal

-Fixed Manji not appearing during the Mastery Quest

-Fixed Domain Trial not teleporting you where it should


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