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Hello everyone! Welcome to your first Blog Post of 2021! With the Holidays behind us we've been finishing up the update in the last week. 

The good news is The Update is Finished! I finished the last story quest 4 days ago so all that's left is to add all the new quests to the Quest Tracker (What I'm doing this week) and testing. The release date is good and ready so we're very confidant with this one. 

The release date is January 15th!

You'll get so much content in this one and we're beyond excited to share the finale of the Ellinia Questline and the extra content we've put to make the fighting, the grinding, the story content that much more exciting!

With the release date less than 2 weeks away I would also like to let everyone know we've added a Surprise Sex Scene this update! That's right instead of the 4 we had planned, we were able to sneak in a 5th by a happy coincidence! This will be our New Years thanks to all our fans and Patrons for helping us get back on track!

Now this Blog Update is going to end rather quick as we're trying to finish up the Quest Tracker before testing but the wait is not that far off!

Once the Ellinia update is release to the Public after the 15th, we do plan on giving out a RoadMap for the first few months in 2021. We have exciting things planned and with it we're more than ready to start pouring more and more love to older characters. Lucy, the Mai Twins, Jane, and a surprise 4th NPC will be getting content in the not to far off future, but more on that later!

Expect a rundown and the Changelog by this upcoming weekend before the 15th so you can see just how massive this update turned out to be. We are off to a strong start and you and guarantee BGE will continue this ride all the way into 2021!

Thanks to our fans and Patrons that have kept us alive and because of you, you all get a welcome new addition to the Ellinia Part 2 update. See you all soon!


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