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Hello everyone and welcome back!

The last week has proven to be very fruitful as we are on the last stages of finishing the update for Ellinia Part 1!

Today I bring another progress report. As of this morning the update is about 80% finished. The last things I need to add are the following:

-Last Arc leading into a Cliffhanger for Part 2 of Ellinia

-Add finishing touches to the 6 Sex Scenes were adding in this update

-Add a few minor quests like a new Dream Scene

-Small things like Hidden Spots

Yesterday I finished the 3 Arc of the Ellinia Update and now I'm on the final Arc leading into the big Cliffhanger for Part 1. This update is very story heavy and there will be a bit of reading but I've tried my best to break it up into sex scenes, missions, and combat. Hopefully there's a nice balance in there. 

In terms of the Arcs they are as follows:

Arc 1: Investigation of Ellinia, Elluel, the Fairy Academy and looking for The Eyes of the Libratas

Arc 2: The Scientist Revealed, the Homestead, and the coming war.

Arc 3: The Mysterious Girl and Master

Arc 4: The Call of the Void

So as you can see the update takes place over 4 Arcs with the 3rd being the shortest. Not only will you learn much more about what's going on in Ellinia but you will be getting many scenes with the Hero and his family, The Ardyn, as well as mysterious new characters with tragic back stories. 

All of this culminates in the final Arc that by the end the Hero will get news so shocking that EVERYTHING has to stop so he can see if it's true. All the while The Libratas themselves go through a few changes and battles within their own ranks as The Scientist shows his madness. 

Many facets of this update are built around the Hero's prior relationships but also his unending desire to save anyone and everyone. His trust will be put through a ringer and a promise will be made that will affect the future in many ways.


The update will be an emotional roller-coaster full of tender moments, sexy moments, and painful moments. Friendships are tested, secrets are revealed, and wishes are granted. You all will only have to wait just a little while longer before it's in your hands! We're proud of the work in this update and we can't wait for all our Patrons and fans to witness what happens next!

That will wrap up this weeks Blog Post. As always we want to thank our Patrons for their support! In just a few minutes you'll get the colored version of Leonore's Titfuck scene we're adding. Next week we'll show off a scene for a new character. You'll get that on Wednesday!

To our fans we thank you for your patience but your advice and ideas have made this update glorious! We can't wait to show you!

Thank you all and stay safe and healthy out there!



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