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Hello everyone! 

We have another Blog Update for you all albeit a smaller one as to spread the information out a bit. Still the show goes on!

So this past week I put the finishing touches on Mrs. Ming and moves on to one of the other romanceable Women, Luna. Luna is a funny NPC and I wrote her to be a bit different than others. She is a tall and kind of awkward woman who enjoys teasing both men and women. Not in a "Let's sleep together" way but more in that, it's her comedic style. She is extremely dorky/nerdy and if I had to compare her to anything, she's like a hot librarian who loves to joke around. 

Now when you first meet Luna she will be under the effects of a curse. This curse makes her sleepy 24/7. Her storyline doesn't start until a little ways into Maya's and Camila's storyline so it is intermingled. As you learn about this curse and who caused it, the Hero finds a way to cure her and also deal with a very problematic man in her life. Her storyline is also going to bring in a new side area we added. The Nautilus, home of he Pirates! 

As you make your way through Luna's questline you will meet these Pirates and their Captain. While you won't be able to directly get any content with them now, there is enough to tease you in what's coming later. Regardless The Nautilus will have a new Gachapon Machine as well as some new shops so it's still worth a visit. Keep your eyes peeled for Hidden Spots as well! 

Back to Luna. This older woman will take a fascination in how charming the Hero can be. She realizes from the beginning that he has a certain hold over women and she wants to see what becomes of it. There will be plenty of private moments between the two but there will also be some voyeuristic views in there that are tied to Asuna. Speaking of which, Asuna and Luna live in the same town, An Empty Town  to be exact. When the Hero ended up in the Domain, those two became friends and because of this, they share a good friendship. One that Luna hopes to use in order to get Asuna on board his growing Harem. 

As you can see there will be some fun moments in there with the hyperactive Luna and the more reserved Asuna.

Luna will be a character that the Hero will depend on heavily. As he makes his way around the world and meets the countless women that live in, Luna will hear about his exploits and will do her best to convince them to join the Harem. This will be tied into her Lovers and Corruption Routes but more on that later. 

There will be plenty of other characters that will interact with Luna as her questline goes on but players are in for a good ride! So far Mrs. Ming, Maya, Camila, and Luna are all very drastically different. The Hero will have his hands busy in this update and we hope you adore them as much as I do when I wrote them!

That will wrap up this week's Blog Update on Luna. There are a few things I will go over in later Blog Updates like her Lovers and Corruption Routes. Until then hopefully Luna's caught your attention!

We would like to thank our Patrons for all of their Support! This next update was kept with you all in mind and we can't wait until you get to play through it! To our fans we thank you and we hope you are also excited about the upcoming update! See you all next week for the next Blog Update. Stay safe out there!


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