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Hello everyone!

Sorry for the delay but as the world is trying to return back to normal, my other job has called me back to work so it's been hectic. The good news is this will not impact development of King's Fall and boy has the last week been a good one!

In Henesys part 2 you'll be able to interact with the remainder of the Henesys NPC's and will be meeting 4 new women you'll be able to enter relationships with. One of which you have already met, Mrs. Ming. Today I will be going over what you'll expect as you grow out your friendship and relationship with Mrs. Ming.

Now in Henesys Part 1 Mrs. Ming was down on her luck and was having a very hard time due to having no customers and running out of funds. The Hero's interaction made Ming see him in a new light and caused her to see him as more than a Chosen One/Hero. He was her savior. You were her Ai, her blessing. Right off the bat in Henesys Part 2 you'll see what makes Mrs. Ming, Mrs. Ming. 

In the early quests you'll find out that Mrs. Ming is a widow and her husband had passed on. Their marriage was arranged by their parents and it was because of this that Ming felt like they never truly loved each other. It was all business related and all that time being married had left Ming very empty in terms of how she felt emotionally and sexually. The Hero will soon become a replacement for her late husband but in a very different sense. 

Ming's Content if I had to put a name to it will be very much a trainer. You'll slowly introduce her to the ways of debauchery as she learns that her body is more than she ever realized. Over time this will evolve into her Lovers and Corruption Routes. Will you be a caring and doting man for Ming to replace what she lost or will you use her misunderstanding of everything to break her and leave nothing but a repository for your fluids? 

Believe me, you will be having fun with Ming very soon! 

Her content is going to be tied with the rest of Henesys in the way that Lith Harbor was. Talking with Ming will introduce you to other NPC's and vice versa. It's always my goal as a writer to make a town actually feel alive. These people should know each other and you should feel like you're part of a community. There will be splits where you have to track down another NPC in order to progress but it will be done with fluidity. 

Every week going forward I will go into detail of the NPC I was working on that week. So far with Ming I've added 18 quests and have already moved on to the next one. Next week we will be talking about another new addition to Henesys, Maya. For now though I wanted to speak about the new items coming this update. 

Being a Clicker we want to make sure that you are always attacking when in combat. Sometimes when overwhelmed you have to use your items to heal or have to open the inventory to check what you have. We want to help you in this department. 

Coming in this update, we're adding Life and Magic Rings. What these do is they will automatically heal your HP or MP when you reach a threshold. The one above has a 50% chance of activating when you reach 10% Health. There are many tiers of rings and depending on how you wish to play there will be plenty of options for which rings you want equipped. 

This update will be giving you 1 Ring from each family. Ming will give you an HP Ring and the MP Ring will be given by another NPC that we'll detail in the coming weeks. These Rings will be a welcome addition for everyone so we can't wait to see how players decide to use them!

In the coming days not only will we be adding to the main story, Hensesys NPC's, as well as other tid bits but we'll also be adding World Events as well. We'll tease these now but just like Asuna's Hunting event, you'll be able to get wonderful items and be able to play the game differently. We'll be speaking of these soon but there will be 2 added. These are going to be different to what you're all used to but we're sure You'll love em!

And that wraps up this weeks Blog Update! Next week we will be speaking about the next NPC, Maya as well as other things baka has been cooking. 

We want to thank our Patrons for supporting us! We're going to have amazing art and animation coming to you guys soon so look forward to that! To our fans we thank you as well!

See you all next week and we hope you're all safe and sound out there! 


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