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Hello everyone!

2020 is already flying by as we are about to enter February. Hopefully the year doesn't go TOO fast. 

This week we will be talking about release dates for a lot of things! To start with we are now releasing the art for Asuna. You will be seeing those starting tomorrow. Tomorrow we will be starting with the Line Art, and then this Thursday we will be showing off her full colored version. Next Tuesday will be the nude in all her slender goodness! We want to stifle these because too much all at once means we can't spread out previews. Plus it gets everyone to check back every week outside the Blog Post. So you will be seeing some art very soon!

The next thing is Free Mode Henesys is just about finished. We have some testing to do but it should be ready by January 31st! This will include a bunch of new Bowmen Skills ready to be messed with. In fact we have some previews outside the ones I showed off last week.

As you can see you will be able to have a quite different build than what you are used to. We hope to see players mess with the skills and enjoy the new Job Class! There are a few more skills you will be able to learn but we will let players find them on the 31st of Jan!

Now this week I have been working on King's Fall and we have gotten so much done!  As I said before we are looking to finally release the update in February and I feel we can make this deadline. Right now I am looking to release the update on February 14th  BUT this is not set in stone. It's just what I am aiming at. The update is almost ready but I am still trying to add to it to make it more sexy in terms of +18 scenes. Testing will also be taking awhile. We have been working on this update for close to 4 months now and it's MASSIVE. The amount of things we added is shaping the game into something vastly different than what everyone was expecting after the Lith Harbor update. A lot of gameplay, a lot of new Modes, a lot of new characters, and big stuff going on in the story. Still we will be releasing the update next month so keep a look out for news updates as we near the 14th.

The last thing I wanted to mention is more or less bad news. We will not be able to launch the update with +18 animations. Now we will be having a few +18 scenes and I will actually just be using the SD's we currently have. The reason for this is our artist fell behind on his commissions and has to get caught up. We will be planning things accordingly in February so we will get caught up with everything in March. Henesys Part 2 will actually have double the amount of events so there is that to look forward to. For now in the comings weeks I will actually be talking about the +18 events and how they will work. There is one for Leonore, Asuna, and a secret 3rd character. More on that later since this post is already getting kind of long. 

That will wrap up the Blog Post for this week. Our Patrons and Fans keep us going and have motivated us until now. We are nearing the finish line so thank you from all of us at BGE! You guys fucking rock!

Check back next week for more news and of course a sneak peek of the +18 scenes you will be seeing. 

Have a good one!


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