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It's the end of the decade and we are here to share the last Blog Update of 2019. It's been a wild ride and the last few years have shaped us in vastly different ways but we are here again to share what is going on with King's Fall, the Henesys update, and the future. 

Now before I talk about what is new I want to let everyone know that there will be no Blog Update next week. I (Haseo) will be heading on a trip starting January 1st and will return the 5th which doesn't give me much time to work on the game even though I will be taking my laptop with me. We are also going to need time to plan the next Free Mode update as well as get settled in with Jelly for art. Blog Updates will resume January 13th. 

Now as we have evolved the story of King's Fall and with the upcoming Henesys update we plan on giving you more toys to play with in the gameplay department, I wanted to make sure you had plenty to actually use these new abilities/skills on. In Henesys you will find a certain NPC and if you don't there is a reason for that. See as we begin to open up the world in Victoria you will find yourself faced against enemies that are double your strength and level. I have spoken about this before but starting with Henesys you will be required to be a certain level before accepting certain quests, Bruce is the first NPC to do this. You will have to be level 46 to start his quests and the reason is because his questline is by far the most difficult you have ever done. 

Bruce here is a scientist trying to study a fallen civilization that has been run by Golems. These Golems hold cores that contain explosive mana energy. As you continue helping him him with his research you will begin to find that the nearby area is holding secrets not seen in thousands of years. His questline is difficult for one reason. The Golems themselves are the hightest level monsters in the update that are no borderline Bosses or MidBosses.

As you can see these monsters are powerful! There are 4 sets of Golems each more stronger than the last with the Enraged Golem being the weakest one. Now you are tasked with killing many of these Golems as the questline proceeds but you are given not only a lot of money but something much more valuable. Equipment. At this point in the game you are still fairly weak in terms of equipment. Bruce will be handing out things that will greatly help an upcoming Hero. By the end of the Questline not only will you learn interesting things about these Golems but you will discover that there is a threat looming that can annihilate  the entire island of Victoria. You will become a Tomb Raider and will learn a great deal of history from all over Victoria. Bruce's content is some of the most fun quest dialogue I have ever written and I hope you all enjoy the questline and what will be coming in future updates. The main thing is Bruce will become a true friend over time and I hope he becomes a fan favorite.

Now that should be everything I want to share on Bruce without spoiling a lot. As the weeks progress we will be introducing more NPC's as we get nearer to the Henesys update release. Speaking of which I want to talk about what is coming up in January and some brainstorming we are working on. 

In January we are planning to release an update for Free Mode that will allow you finally pick a Job Class; The Bowman. More on this when I return from my trip so we can talk about specifics but it will be coming in Mid to late January. 

Also in January we will be planning a in Game Quest tracker. This is something we have wanted to do but didn't know how to go about it. With the Library being done we decided to do a quest tracker within The Library but we need to talk about how it will work, details, and other things. For now there isn't much to say about it but that it's something we are going to be talking about. 

On top of this, I wanted to bring up something I think would be a welcome idea to the game. A way to add more erotic images to the game to spice things up. This is a WIP but as we will flesh out this idea and talk about it in the comings weeks. This is something you see in other H-Games but I think we will handle it a bit differently. More on this later. 

Now to finish this up we are planning to ramp up development even if we are missing some things. There is still some art missing for Henesys but we might just release the update without if it means it gets into your hands faster. After I return from my trip we will speak about this as a team and see what can be done. If anything we may just release the Henesys update at the end of January or early February. We will have more details that first Blog Update in January on the 13th. Still it will be an extremely large update regardless. 

Now that will be it for the last Blog Update of 2019. We hope you all enjoyed the Holidays and hope you have a safe and warm New Years! Our Patrons carry our hopes and dreams with them so thank you very much for supporting us all throughout 2019. Come January we hope to have much more fun in every area possible. Take care and have a Happy New Years!


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