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Hello everyone!

Back again for another Blog Post and I do have at least 1 piece of exciting news of which we will be talking about right now!

Here is the Changelog as it stands for this week. THIS IS NOT THE FINAL CHANGELOG mind you. In a way this is to show you all how big this update is currently. Read it at your leisure. It will be attached at the very bottom of this Blog Post.

Now we are still adding quests and such and are making huge strives in finishing this update. All we have left is the sex scenes so once those are done we are more or less 99% done. Being December it might be difficult for our artist to finish them since his family drops in close to the Holidays so we will play it by ear for now. Once we have at least 1 of those scenes we are ready to announce a release date so fingers crossed it's soon!

Now with that out of the way I wanted to talk about the direction of the story after Henesys drops. In the last 2 updates you the player have learned a few things here and there about what is going on in the world and learned a few things about the MC. In Henesys you will be getting an info blowout. 

As said last time about The Domain, you are about to learn and see a lot about stuff going on BTS of King's Fall. You are learning about what it means to be a Chosen One. The section on The Domain is going to be very dense in writing and what you will discover. The thing that drives this portion of the update is seeing someone you thought you were never going to see this soon in the game. Won't spoil what that is but you will be seeing someone that will prompt the Hero to grow stronger. 

After completing The Domain you will receive a few quests to learn about what you saw and of course have to visit a few people because time has moved on while the MC was in The Domain. The world has moved on a bit and your tasked with seeing what changed. The main thing is that The Hero isn't the only one that made it out of The Domain. Someone else came along and this person is going to need The Hero. Something I hope you all enjoy as more updates come out. 

Not only will the Hero be a better person but he will have a place to practice his abilities and learn. In the coming updates the Hero will be getting a new look that will show that time is passing in this world. That the Hero is going to not only become a Hero but he will look like one as well. All of this will be explained after your trip to The Domain. 

Now this update is split into two huge parts, Asuna and Leonore. One has to finish Leonore's quests and the first trip to The Domain before finishing Asuna and Henesys as well. You have to play through both but the rewards are well worth it since we are tasking the player into doing all of this. By the time you complete Henesys Part 1 you will have new weapons, Skills, maps, and NPC's to interact with. 

THIS is why this update has taken so long. The amount of stuff intertwined together is quite complicated but this is the update that we at BGE hope people talk about the most. You will have your story, your adult content, your gameplay, and so much more extra after this. This is the update that will change everything and we are nearing the day we release it. Truly our finest work so far! 

That will wrap up this weeks Weekly Blog. 

Oh wait I guess I forgot haha. Free Mode will be receiving an update and it will release later today! Be sure to give it a shot and of course tell us how you are enjoying it! The next release for Free Mode is going to be a big one as we will be giving you the Bowman Class. It might need some extra time in the over with the Holidays and New Years around the corner but it will release in January. More on this as we near the end of this month and the year!

Again we thank our fans and Patrons. You guys are amazing and we hope to share the update very soon! Thanks and enjoy your day!


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