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Hello all!

Sorry about the delay on the Blog Update but we were making sure our schedule was going to work out and it looks like it will. 

Anyways we have previously talked about 2 Secret Projects we were working on. 1 is nearing completion while the other is just about done. That project is Free Mode! Creating King's Fall often takes weeks to months because all 3 people on the team (Haseo, Baka, and Jelly) live in all parts of the world so sometimes it takes awhile to get things going plus we all have jobs that we need to survive. Because of that we wish we could give our Patrons and fans more to do while you wait for updates in King's Fall. This is what Free Mode is. From now on every month you will get FREE updates in the form of Free Mode, This will give you guys something to do while we build the larger King's Fall updates. Now let's talk about Free Mode some more.

What is Free Mode? Well as you can guess by the name it's a mode outside the Story for King's Fall where you can have much more freedom than before. At the moment we are almost done with adding in quests and rewards but the thing we need to finish is the remainder or Beginner Skills as well as Bowman Skills. More on that in a little bit. 

As you can see from these screens, you are now able to change the mode from King's Fall to Free Mode. Free Mode allows you to create your own character and have your own journey in however way you see fit. This character will be your entryway to Free Mode so you can still keep whatever progress you have in King's Fall and allowing you to play the Free Mode whenever you want. They are entirely separate!

In Free Mode you can choose what Gender you want, Male or Female. The choice will allow you to get exclusive Items, Weapons, Armor, and Quests depending on what you choose. This should inspire multiple playthroughs for each Gender as we want to make each one truly unique. More on that as we create updates for Free Mode. 

At the moment we have quest lines that go from Maple Island all the way to Lith Harbor. We are trying to launch with the ability to join the Bowman's but we will have to see how far we get with testing. If we don't make it to Henesys then that will be the next update. Right now we are also adding a bunch of beginner Skills so that it's a bit different than King's Fall and the Skills you earn there. We want to make sure the Skills for both Free Mode and King's Fall are a bit more unique so as to actually prevent repetition in between both playthroughs. 

At the moment we are looking at about 1 hours worth of content in Free Mode with a lot more coming from messing around with the Skills you get in Maple Island. Some things are barebones but that will be remedied as we add in more characters to the towns and areas. We area also looking for feedback on what needs more work and what doesn't work in Free Mode. 

At the moment we are hoping to launch sometime this week. Baka is finishing up the Skills while I finish up Lith Harbor. This will be a free release so Patrons and everyone else will get it at the same time. With Free Mode out of the way we will continue to build out the Henesys update for King's Fall. We are also getting to a very comfortable point where we can announce a release date but art still needs to be done. November we might be able to announce when we will release. 

That should wrap up this week's Blog Update. You will be receiving another Blog Update Thursday or Friday that will hopefully showcase the Skills for Bowman but also talk about the Henesys update. Hopefully lol. 

We again thank our Patrons for supporting us and the many fans that give feedback every single week. Thank you all! We hope you all enjoy Free Mode when it launches in the very near future!


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