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Hello all and welcome back to another Weekly Blog Update!

This week we wanted to show you guys a progress report of how the update is going so far. At the moment we are about 75% done with the update. All that is left is Asuna's Character Quest, Leonore's sex scenes and additional quests in Maple Island, and a few things here and there. We are also still working on the 2 secret projects we talked about 2 weeks ago but more on that soon. 

In the mean time here is how the update is shaping up:

There is a bit of back tracking into Lith Harbor but because of that we have additional character quests/interactions between Tienk, Leonore, Olaf, and a few others. By following Leonore's quest you will be getting more personal information on a few other characters like Shanks, Teo, and Olaf. This is how It's looking now. On to Henesys!

So as some of you may have remembered, we are splitting the Henesys update into two parts. The first part will have Story Quests that lead into the main characters journey to Perion. You will learn new Battle Skills and become stronger. The 2nd part will have more of the side characters and Admin who won the character poll last month. As you can see there is a lot of focus on Asuna and Kirito's story. There might not seem like a lot of quests so far but these quests have multiple parts for each one. The Asuna storyline alone should take you about an hour to complete as it's pretty big. Leonore's stuff bleeds all over the place but it's in Henesys that you will start it. 

As you can tell we blacked out a few characters, the reason for it is they will be included in Part 2 of Henesys but they will pop in here and there. For now all the sex scenes and such in Part 1 will be for Leonore, Asuna, and a few surprises here and there but they are very small compared to the content for Leonore and Asuna. 

Some of the other NPC's like Nave and Pia are there to introduce new mechanics. Pia will be the NPC who teaches you about Familiar Cards and Nave will become a fence for you. Going forward Nave will have Rare Items for sale but they will be extremely expensive. This way players have an additional resource to solving quests rather than having to grind or actively look for items, monsters, etc. 

The other NPC's are there to add flavor and introduce other NPC's in the town. For now you won't get a lot them but once Part 2 is done you will see it all flow nicely.

The other bit I wanted to talk about is Tienk is going to be the first Transfromational character you interact with. His content breaks off for a bit while Leonore and the Hero explore Maple Island together but when you return you break him slowly until he becomes someone who enjoys "her" new body. The content so far is some of the funnest I have done thus far so I hope you all enjoy it! This update will also tease who the next character we get to transform is. Pan anyone?

That should be it for this weeks blog update. Next week we hope to have the Character Quest, or 1 of the 2 secret projects done but we shall see. If not then I will just talk about Tienk and Leonore some more. 

Again we thank all of out amazing Patrons! You guys are amazing and the support we get keeps us going! Thank you very much! Talk with you all real soon!


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