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Hello all!

I hope you are about to enjoy the weekend but before that I have some news on the BGE front. 

First off we are still hammering away at the Henesys update. A lot of good stuff so far and next week I plan on showing off how many quests we have so far. We want to be further along but since baka and myself have full time jobs it's hard to put a lot time to finish the update quick. Still we are hard at work to make sure it's all ready. 

So today I plan on talking about 2 little projects we will be doing in order to branch out to those that don't like waiting until Core Updates are done. The first I actually don't plan to name but we will detail what it could be. The reason is if it doesn't pan out nothing is really lost. 

As we try to compete with the thousand of other Adult Games out there we have to fight for attention. Because of that we are working on something to put the spotlight on us. To use what we already have created in King's Fall and publicize it for everyone to see. If this pans out this means that every Core Update will also release a special EXTRA thing for Patrons. After that we send it out to the rest of the world. It will be bonus and won't impede the time we put towards King's Fall or other BGE projects. If this pans out we will discuss it soon. If it doesn't then you will never hear from it again. 

The 2nd project we are working on is in regards to King's Fall. As discussed before, we do plan on planning extra modes that you can play at a whim. Female Mode where you play the story as a Woman, Gender Bender mode where you start the journey in another body, and the 3rd is Free Mode. Free Mode is as named a mode where you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Want to have whatever weapon instead of a sword and shield? You can. Want to journey and do stuff whenever you want instead of following the Hero's Journey? You can. Want to join the many Guilds and change your job class? You can. 

Free Mode has begun Development! 

This mode will release with the Henesys update but it will be updated monthly so everyone has content every single month as you all wait for core updates to the King's Fall mode. This week we are rearranging the code and content so we can quickly transfer everything over but this should be quickly. By next week we will be discussing how Free Mode starts and what you will be able to do in it. The best part is you will have total freedom from the start. More on that later. 

As these two Project start we plan on reevaluating  the  Patreon and the Tier rewards. We will make an announcement when that is done but that will be when Free Mode is ready to release mainly so everything is done on the same day. Keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks for all of that as we start 2 new projects to better reward Patrons and to bring in more. 

As always we want to thank all of our current Patrons. We can't do this without you! Thank you from us at BGE!


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