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Hello hello!

Been awhile but we had plenty of time to work on the new update this week so here I am to talk about a few snippets. We want to spread out the features a bit and we will so we will usually talk about 1 thing a week but sometimes it's very difficult. This week I am here to talk about Leonore and the Hero's adventure in Henesys. 

As you know Leonore is very much set on changing her destiny and is not going along the path that brought her into the world, to the dismay of the MC. Her adventure takes her to Henesys where she will also chart her path throughout the world. At the moment wherever you go, Leonore will turn up but that won't always be the case. To semi-Spoil what's going on, once you arrive in Perion, Leonore will be headed to another town. Your paths will cross many times and will split just as often so the quests for Leonore will always be numerous. 

I don't have a set amount of quests I want to do for Leonore in Henesys but you will be going back to the Harbor to say "Test the Waters" on a few things. As I have hinted a few times, there are certain NPC's that were written to be assholes just so they can get their "Just desserts"... in more ways the one. It is by going back and forth between the Harbor and Henesys that Leonore will realize she will need a base to regroup if she doesn't find a path forward. Lucky for the MC, his bed is big enough for 2 hint hint!

As we have talked about before, Henesys is considerably large so we may end up splitting the update into two parts and we might do the same for Leonore as well. As she comes to realize that she will need a base of sorts, the MC will invite her to Maple Island so Leonore will not meet all those NPC's and a whole bunch of Hijinks will begin. The reward is a roomate but this little feature will also tease a BRAND NEW MECHANIC!!!!!! That we won't talk about lol. 

The new mechanic is a WIP but having a house just for the MC? That's not enough. If only we could... invite someone over from time to time... That would be cool. I guess. 

Anyways right now my planning is splitting Leonore's adventure and quests to Victoria for Part 1 and Maple Island for Part 2. Still don't know if I will have to split it but we will for sure let you all know how it turns out when we're ready for release. There will be plenty of sexy ol fun but there is a lot to talk about and show the player so it might be for the best. 

Next week we hope to have the last areas finished so we can show you a few screenshots of Henesys and the maps around it. In the mean time it's a slow burn writing everything. 

There will be a poll in a few days talking about Transformation of characters and how I should do it so look for it when it's open. In the mean time back to work and we thank all of our supporters for making King's Fall possible! Thank you from us at BGE!!


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