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Greetings everyone!

As you can read from the title we're actually having a monthly build out by the end of June! From time to time we release these to spread out the art commissions but also cool down from long term planning and such.

This next Update is coming in hot and with it, will bring a brand new Sugar Baby; Cassandra The Fortune Tellers Daughter!

What can I say except that Cassandra is entirely different from Irena and Oz before her. Being The Sugar Baby of Henesys, she has greater goals rather than just collecting money for her own selfish reasons. Cassandra is trying to return every single item her mother, a famed Fortune Teller had to sell in order to give Cassandra a life worth living.

Cassandra's story will start with you buying one of these items by sheer accident and introducing yourself to her. Along with a new Sugar Baby will arrive plenty of talking quests, a Brand New Sex Menu, and plenty of shenanigans along the way!

Cassandra's story follows a more supernatural side with you having to witness her conversations with the other side. Ghosts, entities, and the queen of seduction herself! The door remains open for much more by the time you obtain her first Sugar Baby Choice but overall, Cassandra is vastly different to Irena and Oz.

More so, her personality. Cassandra is incredibly easy going, down to earth, and doesn't stress about emotional moments. ANother side to her character is she is incapable of flirting or flirting back. This leads the very romantic Hero with almost a wall to overcome. He has to work harder to truly dive into Cassandra's heart!

All of this and another little surprise will arrive in June 28th.

Look forward to next week as I'll announce what else is joining Cassandra. Look forward to it!


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