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Greetings everyone and welcome back!

The work continues and we have an interesting thing happen this week but I'll talk about that next week. This week, I bring you something that I hope fixes an issue with certain aspects of the game.

We know the gameplay isn't for everyone so we've had a long road of trying to make it interesting, better, and or funner. In the end, it's sometimes best to return to the basics so with the upcoming May update; We're adding Achievements & Completionist Bonuses!


First off, let's discuss Completion Bonuses. In this next update, if you've basically spoken to every character, done every side quest, and or strarted relationships in a certain city; You will be rewarded for doing it. Maple Island, Lith Harbor, Henesys Pt. 1 & 2, and Ellinia will all have Completion Bonuses as a way to get more rare resources but also get a nice chunk of EXP, Meso, etc. Just for playing the game, you will be rewarded for it and that in turn will help you overcome the next hurdle.


The other thing is for those that DO enjoy the Combat,  more rewards! Those that simply Kill, fight bosses, explore, etc will now get a chance to be rewarded for engaging. Rare Items, exp, Meso, and much more will await you for say Killing 10,000 Enemies. These two are going to work in tandem with each other so we really do this this scratches that itch for many! Both will have Quest Tracker Entires so you will never have to fall behind on any of it!

Lastly, were helping with The Grind!

Two new Pyuns have been added to the game. 1 for Drop Rates and another for EXP. These are all stackable so if you run into a huge horde of them, you'll basically have enough to do and play however you want! All of this on top of EXP Boosts for Patrons, Drop Rate Boosts through The Settings, and more. Hopefully the struggle for loot, leveling up, and progressing is about to be bridged heavily!

We listen to feedback carefully so please share more ideas with us for more Pyuns, Items, etc. WIthout you, we wouldn't be where we are so thank you all!

Join us next week for a neat surprise. We can't wait to show you this update!


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