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Welcome back to yet another round of previews for the upcoming update next month!

This last one hit many levels I wanted to hit and it seems it was quite popular overall. WIth that in mind, I'm happy to announce that Sophia & Ayan are up next to be continued in their Lovers & Corruption Routes!

The Brides of Home Base will finally be getting their storyline touched up and this will all be continued after The Clash is over. Soon as Kerning City opens, the Hero has a VERY amazing date planned for Sophia & Ayan!

  Not only will their stories be expanded, but the main focus of their update is to find out who they are to The Hero, to each other, to their roles within Home Base, and what exactly have they learned from one another since getting married.

Sophia & Ayan are about to truly evolve and learn incredible lessons all the while accepting there are limits to who they are and what they can exactly do. Not every battle can be fought and not every battle needs to be fought. Their story will be touching and very wholesome all the while learning just how they can motivate themselves and their marriage.

Sex scenes will be added in spades and FINALLY expect to share a more intimate threeway than previously thought. More of this and more coming in May!

Thank you to all our new supporters. This update is possible because of you so from everyone at BGE, THANK YOU!

See you all next week for more news on just what else is coming. Especially... If you like the color Green.


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