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[2,000 XP Received!]  -what?

[3,000 XP Received!]  Ok, so Susan must be killing something…  I wonder what?  When I take a look at the specifics, wow that is a lot of goblins.  Taking a look through the spirits eyes, and it looks like Susan is slaughtering some goblin village?  Well that raises some questions.  Well, I cannot do anything about it now- might as well use the resources provided to me.

Filling the space on the second floor is far cheaper than I thought it would, but it looks like the houses I was purchasing could be upgraded quite a bit.  Interesting, but still so drab.  Perhaps if I add a garden?  Maybe a park of some kind?  Should have a fountain too, and I see it has trapping options- but if I accidentally trap Hailey that would be an issue- so no traps.

The whole place is starting to look like a town!  A shitty town, but a town.  I will upgrade it later, I guess.  But I have better things to do with this mana right now, first, one of the new options that has become available with my new floor!

[Lesser Lich Lv. 1] acquired.

“Oh, my Lord!”  The Lich announced as he took form, a floating skeleton in a ragged robe. “How may I serve you?”

“Just guard the Core room for now,” I said, moving on.  “I will talk to you later, wait for me until then.”

“As you command my Lord!”

It is really easy to be dismissive of my minions, I will have to be careful- that lich is sentient after all.  Maybe I should be nicer?  Whatever, the first thing I have to do is take care of a practical thing.  

[Sheekol Buri Lv. 1] acquired.

Not sure how I unlocked a spirit that is supposed to be created from young women being drowned, but I am not going to think about it too much right now.  Maybe it has to do with Susan’s family somehow?  Not exactly something I can really ask…

“Hello my Lord,” the beautiful young woman with slightly damp hair bowed lightly.  “What may I do for you today?”

“Well, to be honest,” as awkward as this is…  “I needed a maid, and someone to keep an eye on the human visitors to the dungeon.”

“My Lord has human visitors?”  The Buri seemed surprised, but covered it up quickly.  “As my Lord says, so shall I obey.”

“The next thing, your species name is simply too unwieldy.  I shall name you…  Xiangling”  Bengal is close enough to China to name a Bengali ghost that right?  Does it even matter?  Why am I thinking about where a name comes from in another world?  Well, I do not know any famous Bengali maids or attendants, and as even in this other world I am going to protest David Hawkes naming sense in this case.

Maybe having people here is a good thing- clearly, my sanity slips a bit in my isolation.

“My Lord!”  Xiangling said, “I do not deserve such a thing!”

“It is not about deserving or not, it is a matter of convenience for me and others.”

[Unique monster unlocked: Xiangling, The Palace Maid!]

“Perfect,” that was unexpected, but not unwanted.  “Your service will be appreciated, Xiangling.”

“Thank you, my Lord.”  Xiangling’s voice was full of emotion- is a name really that important?  I have forgotten mine after all...

I left back to go talk to the lich, maybe I should give him a name too?  If I have a town, it needs a mayor right?  Part administrator, part commader- a creature to control the others on this floor and direct them against invaders.  Well, might as well.

“Ah, Master you have returned.”  The Lich bowed deeply to me, “how may I serve you?”

“A lich seems like a useful creature to have as a commander, so I am going to give you a name and give you command over this floor.  I do not want to have to do it myself after all.”

“My Lord honors me,” the lich bowed again.  “But are you sure that you would have a lowly being like me have such a high position?”

Holy shit, the unending humility is infuriating!  “I have said as much, no?  You are now Sima- command over the necropolis is yours.”

[Unique monster unlocked: Sima, The Palace Strategist!]

And as long as I am at it, I move myself to the first floor boss room.  Specy, or one part of him anyways, was inside.  A boss named ‘Specy’ is just idiotic I think, so what should I choose?

“Lord Core.”  Specy bowed slightly and returned to his post, now this is how a minion should be!  If only he was like this when translating and did not editorialize everything!

Hmmmm…  This is a bit harder than the others…  I rather want to name him after the Spartans somehow, but I feel it would be too cheesy and according to Susan there already is a dungeon somewhere that tells bad jokes, so I would rather not be another joke dungeon…  

“Your name shall be Ajax.”  I said suddenly as the idea came upon me.  

“My Lord!?”  This took Ajax by surprise, but I was satisfied with my choice.

[Unique monster unlocked: Ajax, The Stalwart Defender!  Max unique monsters created for floor number!]

Wait, what?  I have a limit on the amount of minions I can name?  I probably should have asked what the effect of gaining a name was for my minions…  Whoops.


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